Atmosphere today/moving seats

Top seat in 315.... Moved from 109 because of cost and I don't if it was because of who we were playing but great atmosphere and top view....made up
Well, City royally fucked up my seat, just penned an email to Danny Wilson complaining.

I sit on the back row of the lower tier, there used to be a wall behind my seat, now there's a metal gate. The seat I sit in has been replaced with a removable seat, so they can take it out, open the gate, and make the aisles wider for when they have a concert. All of which is fine, don't have an issue with it. However, I used to be stood on a raised concrete step, which they have now removed to allow people to exit the new gates. This means that my row is now stood at the same height as the row in front. Block 109 stand all game, and even if they didn't, it's human nature to stand when it gets exciting. What this all means is that I am completely unable to see the pitch, at all, from my seat. All I can see are the backs of the people in the row in front. I had to spend the entire game stood on my seat (which was also broken, but that's a different issue!). My seat (the bit you sit on, the base if you will) is higher off the ground now, as the concrete step has been removed, this means if you sit in the seat your feet don't touch the floor, your legs dangle. So, not comfy to sit in, and not the safest to stand on, or climb onto in order to stand. A complete fuck up.

It's an issue which any football fan, or anyone with an IQ above 10, could have spotted at the design stage, let alone after it has been built. There were about 8 or 9 of us affected where I sit, no doubt elsewhere they have caused similar issues.

I sit in 110 right at the back also. Such a stupid mistake by the club.
I sit in 110 right at the back also. Such a stupid mistake by the club.

There's 3 of us moderators, myself, Prestwich_Blue and Ducado, who all sit next to each other (purely coincidentally!) and were all affected by this today. I spoke to a supervisor who was putting all about it in his match report, and agreed it was a farce. As I say, I've just emailed Danny Wilson about it, and I know the others will be doing so too. Lets see what happens. I can't believe it would be that difficult to have a temporary, removable, step inserted, which could be bolted to the floor just like the seats are. They'd only need to take it out when the seats were taken out, so in the post season for concerts. Simple really you'd suspect, doubt it'll be that easy to rectify though.
Top seat in 315.... Moved from 109 because of cost and I don't if it was because of who we were playing but great atmosphere and top view....made up

Also in 315 was brilliant up there today. Punched the poor woman next
to me on the nose end when the third went in. Oops!!
315 also. Absolutely brilliant atmosphere! Best i have witnessed at the stadium. Let's hope it continues. What was the noise like from the designated singing sections? Couldn't hear anything where we were because of the racket we were making in the third tier!
What a difference! Brilliant. A pleasure to be there.
It felt like a top away game, I looked round several times and the whole third tier was going for it. Just unbelievable, that's the football i remember.

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