Attacks in Paris

ha ha - thought you were going to say both.

The ISIS threat seems directly linked to Syria though - district in Beirut is loyal to Hazbollah who are supporting Assad and they get a suicide bombing - the Russians bomb in Syria and their airliner gets downed - the French bomb Syria and Friday night happens. We are not active in Syria.

Think we are pretty close to the top of the list we are active in Iraq and Mosul is one of their strongholds which is being hit by the coalition which we are part of
You say it is the bleeding obvious but your refusal to think there could be other ways or conspiracy theories if you don't like them will always drive you down the same path. Long before the Gulf War, maybe they should not have been given western guns and training.
I don't have a path. Merely a life time of learning and experience. I believe that both governments and hierarchical theologies are seminally oppressive. My only theory is that I want to live as a free person with a free mind.
If you want to understand the world, start with the logic that everything is business. Then understand that the top four war mongerers are also the top four arms manufacturers and traders, in descending order, the US, UK, France and Russia. Then, my friend, everything should become obvious to someone of your undoubted intellect.
I don't have a path. Merely a life time of learning and experience. I believe that both governments and hierarchical theologies are seminally oppressive. My only theory is that I want to live as a free person with a free mind.
If you want to understand the world, start with the logic that everything is business. Then understand that the top four war mongerers are also the top four arms manufacturers and traders, in descending order, the US, UK, France and Russia. Then, my friend, everything should become obvious to someone of your undoubted intellect.

And we might as well sell / give them arms coz if we don't somebody else will?

Fucking depressing excuse that isn't it?
Facebook user is arrested for posting message PRAISING Paris attacks and Jihadi John and claiming Manchester will be next

I live down the road from here so I've managed to stalk this bellends Facebook profile. I recognise him from high school, he used to be a bit of a tit if I remember rightly. United fan.

@squirtyflower, these valleys don't breed too many Oxford graduates, do they?

Edit: typos. On phone.
Brilliant - I promote to to Chief of Staff HM Forces - please implement your plan without delay - should be easy peasy reading that.
The French will dole out their own punishment to appease the population and seek revenge for what has happened in France over the last year... the say they are "at war"

What do you suggest we do, let the French crack on with this on their own? Sit back and do nothing? You can take the piss but what are your thoughts on the way forward? Turn the other cheek perhaps?
Facebook user is arrested for posting message PRAISING Paris attacks and Jihadi John and claiming Manchester will be next

I live down the road from here so I've managed to stalk this bellends Facebook profile. I recognise him from high school, he used to be a bit of a tit if I remember rightly. United fan.

@squirtyflower, these valleys don't breed too many Oxford graduates, do they?

Edit: typos. On phone.
Cambridge my friend, Cambridge
Nail on the head here KTL. I remember saying to my (recently departed RIP) Father in Law, himself a devout Methodist, that IMO Britain would be a secular society by 2025 - he was outraged. I believe there is a real sense of disengagement from religion in the world today and many who state their allegiance don't really know why, or have 100% genuine belief, perhaps it's more to do with collective identity and belonging to a pack?
Humans show human instincts, namely a basic Maslow type of attitude, part of which means a need to belong to a society and in have traits in common with others, tribalism at it's most basic.
I found it fascinating and revealing how, when leaving the stadium in Paris last night the people broke into a spontaneous rendition of their National anthem, all very heart warming and brilliant sound bite material for our insatiable media, but why?
Us v them is the most powerful and dangerous thinking in the world today, especially when we don't know who is us and who is them
Indeed, modern Britain is increasingly post Christian. Not wishing to derail the thread but for those who haven't seen it here is a BBC programme from earlier this year which discusses, among other things, the Wahhabist concept of God as a command and control patriarch directing them to destroy the infidel.
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The French will dole out their own punishment to appease the population and seek revenge for what has happened in France over the last year... the say they are "at war"

What do you suggest we do, let the French crack on with this on their own? Sit back and do nothing? You can take the piss but what are your thoughts on the way forward? Turn the other cheek perhaps?

I'd say firstly don't join in the bombing - its doing nothing. Two do join in the quest to find negotiated solutions involving Assad, the Russians, the Saudis all to isolate ISIS. At the same time don't cut troop levels don't cut Police levels. Proper scrutiny of people coming and going from the UK. Any suggestion anybody has been to anywhere where they could have been jihadi trained ( Syria, Libya, East Africa ) you don't get back in - on the next plane back to where you came from. Dialogue with UK Muslim communities - try not to emulate the French model of race relations. Thats for starters off the top of my head - half an hour I am sure I'd have some more ideas. Just because somebody doesn't follow your views to the letter doesn't make them a soft touch mate.

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