Australian A League

Big Sydney fan here!

Had our first friendly last night, 1-0 win against Macarthur. It seems like we have a very good coach in Lavica too, he's really got them working hard.
I find it really hard following my local team, as they're called united and they're red! I follow them and cheers for them but refuse to chant united! I do however find it pretty easy to hate Melbourne Victory, just not as easy as hating the rags.

The quality of play has improved a step each year of it's existence. Hopefully the league starts to build a reputation in asia and then the rest of the world.
cityboi said:
I find it really hard following my local team, as they're called united and they're red! I follow them and cheers for them but refuse to chant united! I do however find it pretty easy to hate Melbourne Victory, just not as easy as hating the rags.

The quality of play has improved a step each year of it's existence. Hopefully the league starts to build a reputation in asia and then the rest of the world.

Fair enough. Though I find it easy to hate Adelaide - they're called United, play in red and (esp. under Kosmina) are a bunch of dirty cheats. In saying that my hatred has died down a little since Vidmar's been in charge - now I enjoy the rivalry, probably the league biggest in some ways I'd say.

Yeah I'd like to think that'll only get better and better. The new youth league is already paying dividends, and I think we'll see a ten-fold improvement in that department in the next few years. Football in Aus is definitely on the up!
rhysmcfc said:
Big Sydney fan here!

Had our first friendly last night, 1-0 win against Macarthur. It seems like we have a very good coach in Lavica too, he's really got them working hard.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this guy does. I've got a good feeling that he'll be good not only for Sydney for the league also - I think he'll pay a big part in raising the standard of professionalism.

And as much as it's been said before, the league really does need a healthy, attractive Sydney team in it to raise the profile. I think this will be the case next season.
Captain Oats said:
wellingtonphoenix said:
I just want to know if there are any fans, im a phoenix fan, the new Zealand team.

When i was in new zealand then oz a couple of years back i bought a New Zealand Knights shirt. Still wear it now! looks top. What happened to them? didnt they fold or something?

Yeah they did, it seems that football in Auckland has never been a big drawcard, plus it didn't help that they were so woeful on the field. After the first season (they lasted two) their coach and management even admitted that in their recruiting they had underestimated the potential quality of the league. They signed too many lower division hacks from the UK, and only won one game in their first season, and barely a handful the next.

Thankfully Wellington have proved a much more successful outfit in all departments so far in their two-year history.
yes disappointed we are the reds, dont own anything red and cant chant united. but adelaide has had a good run, the asian champs. were brilliant, losing to a quality japanese team in the final. its a good league overall considering most of the talent departs for oversees. not sure how the expanded compt. will go. cant see how qld can support 3 teams when melb. only one. think we will struggle with depth abit this year as we cant sustain a big squad with $ a bit tight. least we've let agostino go, that was a total waste of $400K. each year
its about young aussie talent and kiwi talent. screw the big guys were still a quality league.look at the american league. they have lots of american talent plus the odd big player. thats what our league needs to be.

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