Away support playing up?

SK_ said:
howfen blue said:
They didint have all the north stand we were in the usual away section

Better memory then me mate, i thought they had all the north stand, i was in the kippax that day, remember when they started piling into the main stand quite a few city hopped over the wall and ran over the pitch to confront them

You stand corrected.

The Police line was moved shortly before the game ended which allowed the Coventry fans to invade the Maine Stand after Goater's goal.

Sentences given to people caught fighting at football are often deliberately harsh in order to make an example of them and act as a deterrent to others.
lancs blue said:
Coventry in the Cup after Goat's late winner? Didn't they charge towards the Main stand IIRC.

i Remember this i wasnt even a teenager i dont think and was with my grandparents! absolutely bricked it!
im_still_here said:
Whisk said:
What actually did Millwall do? and what were they doing there?

it was city who done curry mile.

lol @ 2.27

What a pile of bollox that Macintyre undercover was , showed footage of City Fans that had made their way round from the Maine stand and fans from the Kippax with a thin blue line inbetween ,all the lads that had come round from Maine road thought the Kippax were Millwall . And started launching bottles at us. Then everyone was led by the Dibble up to Wilmslow Road were the shops got looted.

Millwall had got off at Stockport and started on a load of scarfers ,deadhard.
A Few have mentioned already Chelsea Friday night in 1984 they really took the piss its the only time ive ever been scared at a home match it was mayhem before and after the match that night and we lost 2.0 as well.
antculmcfc said:
mancmackem said:
Birmingham in the North Stand, hmm around 97-98? Vince was the MC back then if it helps anyone clarify the year, some steward was injured big time and was announced a few games later they got the guy and got a heavy sentence.

Think it was this game...

It was a copper who got done that game, face burst open, but not sure whether it was a city fan or brum fan who did it

The copper had a Burst nose right across the bridge of his nose, I seem to remember the Brummies holding him down and punching him. The police were out numbered by the brumies with their back up on the pitch at the front of the stand curiously looking to the skies as they called for assistance. Also remember the police bringing the brummies coaches in past the Bee Hive, and a woman copper encourage the city fans to give it em - a few windows went through
Any football hooligans whether City or otherwise are little girls hiding in numbers throwing hilarious "punches" and posturing like sulking toddlers.

Ridiculous stuff, never understood the appeal
I remember when I was a cop........(bring on the abuse!) working a City versus Blackburn night match in the early 80's. There were about 1500 Blackburn fans in the Kippax and about 10 cops, me included, stood on their side of the segregation fence.
For some reason the Blackburn fans got pissed off, can't remember why and they layed into to us good style. I was only 18 at the time having just joined but I remember the big cop next to me (dead now unfortunately and was a massive blue) telling me to hold my helmat in one hand and cuffs in the other and just smack everything for all you are worth. So we did and beat Blackburn back to the far wall of the Kippax to chants of "you'll never take the coppers" and "Manchester Coppers" from the City fans.
Got to admit, the cops had balls and a couple even turned around and applauded the City fans for the chants in support......................!!
I never had so many cuts and bruises but I worked every match I could because it gave you a huge buzz anticipating and getting stuck into any trouble................?!
I worked the Millwall game also in the 80's think it was, that was a bunch, every one a middle aged fella, about 1000 of them, they were all filmed going into Platt Lane and escorted back into town, bit of fun that night!!!!.
Chelsea was another, loads of boys turned up that day and it went off fine style, might have been Chelsea when other firms came with them, grim.
Now retired, I have to say United are currently causing problems away from home, that shower who came to City in the Semi last season will undoubtably be out in London, it will be messy I suspect so not taking my 9 year old, promised him the final though...... Keep your wits about you and stay safe, certainly at the end. Enjoy the day.....and don't run!!!!!!!!!
Stretford Born Blue said:
Now retired, I have to say United are currently causing problems away from home, that shower who came to City in the Semi last season will undoubtably be out in London, it will be messy I suspect so not taking my 9 year old, promised him the final though...... Keep your wits about you and stay safe, certainly at the end. Enjoy the day.....and don't run!!!!!!!!!

We were out in London after West Ham Away earlier this season and bumped in to some of their Fans having a pint. They said a couple of Pubs were turned over by Man Ure during the Carling Cup clash at Upton Park. None were at the match. Just Thugs intent on trashing East London.
Arthur '2 Sheds' Jackson said:
I remember vividly getting on the train at Macclesfield in the 80s and it being completely rammed with Chelsea, it was a Friday night game and as the train slowed down I could see almost every window covered with flags. I must've been bout' 14 so they didn't really pay me any attention... but it was the first time I'd ever seen (what I now know to be) 'casuals'.. loads of Pringle, Tachinni, Fila, Fred Perry etc.. gettin' dolled up for a fight, what's that all about ? however, even now, though not a hooligan I still trawl e-bay for clothes of this era.

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