Away Ticket Price Cap Petition

30 is too low, its been above 30 for many years

i think 40 would be more realistic, with price decreasing for the other age groups etc

even £40 is a hell of a lot less than the £62 Arsenal are charging or the £50 for Norwich
I will sign it because I really want ticket prices reduced.

Im just not sure anything will be done unless it effects the clubs directly (Protesting with our feet, hitting them in the pocket)
why should the home fans pay more than £30,surely the petition should be a price cap for all fans home and away?
This needs to be forwarded on to as many people as possible, not just City fans. From 1 October 2011 to 30 September 2012 Premier League clubs paid a total of £77,003,13 in agent fees. On average just under £4million per club. Imagine if that money was put back into the game and if player's wages were capped at a sensible level. £50,000 per week for an 18 year old is an extortionate amount of money and the fault lies in the greed of clubs, agents and players. The days when ordinary working class peope can go to a game with their kids has long gone.
Signed - there should be a standard price for every away game per leagyu regardless of which team - its the club thats got money not the bloody fans!!
This could have home fans buying tickets in the away end to save money.

In the old days some away fans would go in the home end as a lot lot of clubs charged more for away fans.
If they cap away ticket prices they will increase home ticket prices. A ticket cap accross the board will suit better (Season tickets already fall into this suitable bracket with most of us paying £30 ish a game i think)

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