Back In For Sturridge

Re: Would you have Sturridge back?

Yeah get Sturridge back and then get him and Yaya to have the Balo/Micah haircut and we can call the four of them the four horsemen of the apocalypse or something daft like that.


Seriously though he's a great player and we should of never let him go.
Re: Would you have Sturridge back?

Arrogant little shit needed to learn a bit of humility. But even then, I wouldn't have him back in our shirt.

Look, we need to create an aura about the club where no one is bigger than it. Players like; Anelka, Tevez, Sturridge etc cannot be allowed to come back so a clear message is sent out.

Besides, we'll be buying better over the coming summer, so dont lose any sleep over it....................Hazard.
Re: Would you have Sturridge back?

no not for me

another billy big bollocks who thought the grass was greener and yet another who has been proved wrong

he's an ok player at best but his ego is way too much baggage destined for a mediocre career at a midtable club like Sunderland

no doubt he will come back over and over again to haunt us and have posters on here saying we should have never let him go

for me he has made his bed and let him lie in it
Re: Would you have Sturridge back?

nope, once you turn your back on a city shirt
your done and dusted for me
Re: Would you have Sturridge back?

I'm going to say no, only because I dont think he'd get as much playing time as he would like - then we're back to square 1 with the whinging and moaning.

Get Guidetti back from Feyenoord, next season a front 4 of Sergio, Balo, Edin and Guidetti. Bobs your Uncle.
Re: Would you have Sturridge back?

TFC said:
I'm going to say no, only because I dont think he'd get as much playing time as he would like - then we're back to square 1 with the whinging and moaning.

Get Guidetti back from Feyenoord, next season a front 4 of Sergio, Balo, Edin and Guidetti. Bobs your Uncle.

Forgot about guidetti, fuck strurridge who needs him, weve got big John now
Re: Would you have Sturridge back?

Some people have short memories.

I don't want that twat near our club again.

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