Bad Pills at Warehouse Project

I sit here in my codeine induced fuzzy warm glow, not knowing if i deserve to perish due to my godless act or if i am now truly one of the hip and happening in crowd. I care not a jot.

I do however feel sorry for those, that the unlucky sods have left behind. I would feel this way had i never indulged.

Shame on anyone that does not.
Southbanken said:
I have closer friendships with my mates than anyone else that I know, that, in part at least comes from having spent much of our formative years in a state of hugely increased empathy. We know each others deepest loves, hates, secrets and fears. We have a bond that has remained unchanged for over 10 years.

It all sounds a little bit homo haha, but only other E users would understand. We were able to say and mean things like I love you to each other in a completely non gay hetero way. This openness created a connection that will remain forever.

This is not me making unsubstantiated claims either, this is something that a large number of outsiders have commented on, including some of our partners, parents and other friends who have no idea that we all grew up taking drugs together!!

Ecstasy opens you up to a state of happiness that, in my honest opinion, cannot be reached unless you try it at least once. The beauty is, once you have been there you know that it exists and can therefore get much closer to it, even without taking the drug. But if you never take it you have no idea that a state of utter bliss even exists. Don't try to argue that you do, you are simply misguided. Disclaimer: I do not have children and I think the level of happiness could be matched by a child's birth.

This guy gets it.
jma said:
Southbanken said:
I have closer friendships with my mates than anyone else that I know, that, in part at least comes from having spent much of our formative years in a state of hugely increased empathy. We know each others deepest loves, hates, secrets and fears. We have a bond that has remained unchanged for over 10 years.

It all sounds a little bit homo haha, but only other E users would understand. We were able to say and mean things like I love you to each other in a completely non gay hetero way. This openness created a connection that will remain forever.

This is not me making unsubstantiated claims either, this is something that a large number of outsiders have commented on, including some of our partners, parents and other friends who have no idea that we all grew up taking drugs together!!

Ecstasy opens you up to a state of happiness that, in my honest opinion, cannot be reached unless you try it at least once. The beauty is, once you have been there you know that it exists and can therefore get much closer to it, even without taking the drug. But if you never take it you have no idea that a state of utter bliss even exists. Don't try to argue that you do, you are simply misguided. Disclaimer: I do not have children and I think the level of happiness could be matched by a child's birth.

Self indulgent, egotistical, insular shite.

(The above, that is, not my posts on here)

Self indulgent, maybe - I enjoyed writing the post.

Egotistical - could not be farther from the truth, although I could admit that it is slightly conceited having read it back but there is nothing selfish or self centered about any of the above. It is all, in my opinion obviously, true. Also I would love for other people to be able to have the same experience that I did. Is it the only path to enlightenment, no, but it is one that is available and I was lucky enough to enjoy it.

Insular - hardly - I posted it here to engage with others, I would be very interested in peoples thoughts on the subject.

I'd love to engage in a debate about a topic that I am interested in, if you want to carry on writing pointless 5 word ripostes you crack on.
Didsbury Dave said:
Southbanken said:
Ecstasy opens you up to a state of happiness that, in my honest opinion, cannot be reached unless you try it at least once. The beauty is, once you have been there you know that it exists and can therefore get much closer to it, even without taking the drug. But if you never take it you have no idea that a state of utter bliss even exists. Don't try to argue that you do, you are simply misguided. Disclaimer: I do not have children and I think the level of happiness could be matched by a child's birth.


The birth of my first baby, falling in love with my wife, getting my first big promotion, Dickov's and Aguero's goals, my first genuine Ecstasy experience. All stand out as highlights in my life. They are of course all different and incomparable, but to anyone who hasn't done it, that's how good the real Ecstasy first experience is if done properly.

It's many years since I took any kind of class A, and Its nearly 25 years since I dropped the Ecstasy Evangelist rhetoric you display In Your post. I found it an experience which wanes over time and becomes lost pretty quickly as your brain adapts.

But anyone who hasn't taken this drug should not underestimate how fucking good it feels at first, if you do it in the right situation, without alcohol and with true friends. It's like kissing God. Cocaine brings out the worst in people but Ecstasy brings out the best in people. More or less everyone in my peer group were big acid house heads back in the day. Everyone's long moved on with careers,families, responsibilities, but when we get together we have some great memories. Noone has a single regret, Conversation always turns to 'we should all get together and do it one last time' but we never do.

Ecstasy Evangelist rhetoric I think demeans what it is. The simple fact is if lots of people say it (and they do) then there has to be a grain of truth in it. I remember trying to explain to friends who had never done it what your first E experience is like and it is virtually impossible to describe, because, in my honest opinion, virtually nothing will take you to the same place as your first E.

Its also over 15 years since I first took an E and 10 since I did it regularly so this isn't the inane dribblings of a recently popped cherry. The experience from using it certainly wanes, however the memory of that first time is something that has certainly lived with me forever and something that I would not give up for anything.

Like I said, I do not have any kids so cannot compare the two. Falling in love, I was lucky enough to do during my E-honeymoon so I probably struggle to separate the two. Winning goals do have a similar effect I would agree, a collective euphoria if you like! Nothing I have ever done at work has had the same effect - even winning big contracts, but I think that is to do with my outlook on life / work. I have never had the desire to get emotionally involved in work, but if it was your thing then I could see how it might be similar.

Me and my mates had the 'one more time' conversation last weekend - again though never gonna happen.

I fuckin love you guys I do. ;)
rick773 said:
samharris said:
johnny on the spot said:
Keep your wits Kids xx

I perfectly see where you are coming from johnny as used to pop pils til cows came home in the 90's but we should also take a bit of perspective too..

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... gs/survey/</a>

Uk related deaths in 1 year;


Guess which two are perfectly legal ???

responsible for 2,065 uk deaths per day between them

Plus 2000 people a year die from over the counter NSAIDs. The demonisation of street drugs especially is actually insane. Obviously people need to be a little smart but most are safer than ibuprofen.

Wonder if DL up there think it's ok for people to feel sympathy for people that died abusing prescription drugs they were legally prescribed.

If you were to make drugs legal then more people would perceive it to be socially acceptable and take them and there would be more deaths, just like the ones related to alcohol and tobacco
Southbanken said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Southbanken said:
Ecstasy opens you up to a state of happiness that, in my honest opinion, cannot be reached unless you try it at least once. The beauty is, once you have been there you know that it exists and can therefore get much closer to it, even without taking the drug. But if you never take it you have no idea that a state of utter bliss even exists. Don't try to argue that you do, you are simply misguided. Disclaimer: I do not have children and I think the level of happiness could be matched by a child's birth.


The birth of my first baby, falling in love with my wife, getting my first big promotion, Dickov's and Aguero's goals, my first genuine Ecstasy experience. All stand out as highlights in my life. They are of course all different and incomparable, but to anyone who hasn't done it, that's how good the real Ecstasy first experience is if done properly.

It's many years since I took any kind of class A, and Its nearly 25 years since I dropped the Ecstasy Evangelist rhetoric you display In Your post. I found it an experience which wanes over time and becomes lost pretty quickly as your brain adapts.

But anyone who hasn't taken this drug should not underestimate how fucking good it feels at first, if you do it in the right situation, without alcohol and with true friends. It's like kissing God. Cocaine brings out the worst in people but Ecstasy brings out the best in people. More or less everyone in my peer group were big acid house heads back in the day. Everyone's long moved on with careers,families, responsibilities, but when we get together we have some great memories. Noone has a single regret, Conversation always turns to 'we should all get together and do it one last time' but we never do.

Ecstasy Evangelist rhetoric I think demeans what it is. The simple fact is if lots of people say it (and they do) then there has to be a grain of truth in it. I remember trying to explain to friends who had never done it what your first E experience is like and it is virtually impossible to describe, because, in my honest opinion, virtually nothing will take you to the same place as your first E.

Its also over 15 years since I first took an E and 10 since I did it regularly so this isn't the inane dribblings of a recently popped cherry. The experience from using it certainly wanes, however the memory of that first time is something that has certainly lived with me forever and something that I would not give up for anything.

Like I said, I do not have any kids so cannot compare the two. Falling in love, I was lucky enough to do during my E-honeymoon so I probably struggle to separate the two. Winning goals do have a similar effect I would agree, a collective euphoria if you like! Nothing I have ever done at work has had the same effect - even winning big contracts, but I think that is to do with my outlook on life / work. I have never had the desire to get emotionally involved in work, but if it was your thing then I could see how it might be similar.

Me and my mates had the 'one more time' conversation last weekend - again though never gonna happen.

I fuckin love you guys I do. ;)
Sorry mate, I didn't mean to undermine what you said. I actually believe that correctly administered MDMA could have a meaningful use in psychology in some situations because of the way it releases the empathy inside.

I love you too mate even though I've only just met you ;-)
Had a bottle of Holsten one night that was fucking rank!
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I love you too mate even though I've only just met you ;-)
Maybe you should try spreading some of that love in the "Discuss Pellegrini" thread, DD ;-)

Literally, not metaphorically - that would be too horrific for words ;-)

I'm a big believer in not killing animals, gdm, and I like to think I do my bit by releasing flies, spiders etc.

But last week we were eating outside and the wasps were absolutely bombarding us. In the end I got my wife's shoe and zapped a few. I felt good for a few seconds but then guilt kicked in, along with the realisation that there would be more along soon. They release a chemical when they die which attracts others.

Even a peace loving man like yourself can forgive me the odd wasp, can't you? Although I'm sure you'll tell me the harsh truth...I should have eaten elsewhere...

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