
I'm 35 and desperately hanging on to what I've got. Started losing it pretty rapidly over the last couple of years.

It's got to the point where the last few trips to the barbers have meant he only skinfades the back and sides and pretty much leaves the top to whatever length I've got left to try and hide the receding. Thinning out either side of my fringe and my crown is on its way out. I try my best to avoid bright lights shining down on my head as it exposes just how thin my hair is now.

If I didn't look like such a **** with a shaved head I wouldn't be so bothered but i know the inevitable isn't too far away.
I'm 35 and desperately hanging on to what I've got. Started losing it pretty rapidly over the last couple of years.

It's got to the point where the last few trips to the barbers have meant he only skinfades the back and sides and pretty much leaves the top to whatever length I've got left to try and hide the receding. Thinning out either side of my fringe and my crown is on its way out. I try my best to avoid bright lights shining down on my head as it exposes just how thin my hair is now.

If I didn't look like such a **** with a shaved head I wouldn't be so bothered but i know the inevitable isn't too far away.

I'm in a similar, albeit not quite as extreme, situation.

36, and like to think I've always had a relatively high hairline/an extremely slow recede.
In the last year or so, really started to notice it retreating even further back, either side of the fringe.

Fortunately it's just receding, for now at least.
No issues around the crown or thinning out on top, though I'm sure that will follow on eventually.
I can see that I'll likely end up with a Steve McClaren style 'island' though.

So I'm at a bit of a crossroads.
I'm not particularly vain or anything like that, but I do like having hair and really don't think I'd suit a shaved head.
I feel like if I go down the transplant route, I need to do it sooner rather than later whilst it wouldn't be quite so obvious/potentially more natural looking (not like Rooney for example, who left it until be was almost bald before doing it)

The prices for the treatment in England are a joke, so I'd have no qualms going to Turkey to pay a fraction of the price.
Reassuring to see someone on here mention the surgeons in Turkey being generally good.
You do of course see the odd horror story, which is a little off-putting.

It's frustrating as I look at pictures going back years ago, and then look in the mirror, and I don't think it's changed too much, but there is probably some denial in my thought process.

If anyone has had any hair procedures done in Turkey, would love to hear your feedback.
If I didn't look like such a **** with a shaved head I wouldn't be so bothered but i know the inevitable isn't too far away.
Sometimes, people forget this is a really important factor mate, some people have a decent and symmetrical skull and so it looks ok, I shaved mine once many years ago and realised just how unsymmetrical mine was, it was that bad the kids screamed and it scared them lol (seriously) however, I’m fortunate that I still have a decent head of hair.

I feel like if I go down the transplant route, I need to do it sooner rather than later whilst it wouldn't be quite so obvious/potentially more natural looking (not like Rooney for example, who left it until be was almost bald before doing it)
Think about how much money Rooney has to throw at the problem, and his still looks shit (same with Elton John with his wig), look at the hair transplant surgeons themselves, when you ask if it’s so good, why haven’t they had theirs done, they’ll come up with the bollocks that ‘it’s not something that bothers them’, which may be true in some cases, but the real reason is that they know they can’t get the density and they may not have the required donor hair for the future amongst other things.

Truth is, you need to be on the lower end of ‘the Norton scale’ going into older age for transplants to be any use to you, do your research don’t fall for the ‘after shots’ where hair fibres and lighting are used and favourable, and be honest with yourself, the vast majority of surgeons and companies, no matter where they are in the world, will happily feed you bullshit and take your money off you, until we perfect something like ‘stem cell therapy’ it’s very much down to genetics and the ‘luck of the draw’.
I'm bald, but always had a shaved head anyway. I like it smooth on top so Mach 3 it every day.
Hit the gym and have smartly trimmed beard. Looks alright and it's far better than a Turkish Weetabix stuck on my head.
Haha….that’s reminded me of a bloke at work, he always wore a cap, never ever took it off. He must’ve forgot himself one day ( it was really hot ) and he took it off & just stood there, one of the lads said “fuckin ell Ste you’ve left your hair in your hat” another chirped up “it looks like shredded wheat” shredder Ste was born
Sometimes, people forget this is a really important factor mate, some people have a decent and symmetrical skull and so it looks ok, I shaved mine once many years ago and realised just how unsymmetrical mine was, it was that bad the kids screamed and it scared them lol (seriously) however, I’m fortunate that I still have a decent head of hair.

Think about how much money Rooney has to throw at the problem, and his still looks shit (same with Elton John with his wig), look at the hair transplant surgeons themselves, when you ask if it’s so good, why haven’t they had theirs done, they’ll come up with the bollocks that ‘it’s not something that bothers them’, which may be true in some cases, but the real reason is that they know they can’t get the density and they may not have the required donor hair for the future amongst other things.

Truth is, you need to be on the lower end of ‘the Norton scale’ going into older age for transplants to be any use to you, do your research don’t fall for the ‘after shots’ where hair fibres and lighting are used and favourable, and be honest with yourself, the vast majority of surgeons and companies, no matter where they are in the world, will happily feed you bullshit and take your money off you, until we perfect something like ‘stem cell therapy’ it’s very much down to genetics and the ‘luck of the draw’.

My mate got one done during the first lockdown.
Think he went somewhere like Dewsbury, paid about £6k for it.
Looks pretty good, but of course there are no guarantees when doing things like this.
Also, it requires quite a lot of after care....wish it was a case of procedure done and crack on with life, but it ain't that simple.

I'll look into everything in more detail further down the line if I do indeed intend to bite the bullet...

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