
I've always fully expected to go bald as my father, grandfather, and all of my Uncles on my dads side did.

I'm 60 in a couple of weeks, and have receded a bit at the front, but still have a basically full head of hair. No ones as shocked as me, but I've had a No.1 for at least the past 30 years, so couldn't care less anyway !
My barber reckons you get your hair from your mothers father, which rings true for me as I’ve got quite a thatch for 47, he’s nearly 80 with a full head… your case I hope it’s true or you might wanna instigate a full investigation:)
Funny thing follicles, my dad had lung cancer, in his fifties, chemo job, hair fell out (which was black & about 30% grey) when it grew back he had no greys, he used to wind me up and point at my greys, running his hand through his hair saying I ain’t got none…..he’s like Bobby Charlton in a cap now, turns out the grey follicles all died out during chemo, I give it a little ruffle from time to time just to remind the old git :)
My barber reckons you get your hair from your mothers father, which rings true for me as I’ve got quite a thatch for 47, he’s nearly 80 with a full head… your case I hope it’s true or you might wanna instigate a full investigation:)
Sounds right, as I'm the spitting image of the old man (except with hair). My mums father had a full thatch until the day he passed, I always believed that it followed the male lineage in the past.
I’ve always had cool, slightly longer or trendy spikes, fringes, different colours dyed, etc. So I hate it now it’s thinning, and use concealing powder while I’m waiting for hair transplant treatment. Had the follicle tattoo a few years back but it’s fading a bit so next step is transplants.
My barber reckons you get your hair from your mothers father, which rings true for me as I’ve got quite a thatch for 47, he’s nearly 80 with a full head… your case I hope it’s true or you might wanna instigate a full investigation:)
You’re not too far off there mate, MPB tends to follow from your Maternal side, although that isn’t written in stone, I remember years ago there was a very good formula/equation and from memory about 75% or your genetics (for hair) came through the maternal side, so if her dad had a decent head of hair, then likely you would, even more so if your Fathers side had decent hair, if not, then it could still affect you in a negative way.
I’ve always had cool, slightly longer or trendy spikes, fringes, different colours dyed, etc. So I hate it now it’s thinning, and use concealing powder while I’m waiting for hair transplant treatment. Had the follicle tattoo a few years back but it’s fading a bit so next step is transplants.
Have you considered anywhere yet mate ?
I’ve worked in and alongside the hair loss industry for probably two decades now so always happy to point you towards some good surgeons, have you considered ‘Dutasteride’ yet ?
Have you considered anywhere yet mate ?
I’ve worked in and alongside the hair loss industry for probably two decades now so always happy to point you towards some good surgeons, have you considered ‘Dutasteride’ yet ?

Thanks! I was thinking of going to Precision Hair Clinic in Macclesfield, do you know anything about them? There’s one in Knutsford with the likes of Mark Clattenberg in the advert but they seem very pricey, about 9k for full treatment.

Not heard of Dutasteride, I’ll look into it, cheers mate!

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