
My mate got one done during the first lockdown.
Think he went somewhere like Dewsbury, paid about £6k for it.
Looks pretty good, but of course there are no guarantees when doing things like this.
Also, it requires quite a lot of after care....wish it was a case of procedure done and crack on with life, but it ain't that simple.

I'll look into everything in more detail further down the line if I do indeed intend to bite the bullet...
It probably does look good to the untrained eye (no offence intended there mate) I’ve just been ‘in the game’ too long and can spot who’s had what type of procedure done quite easily/quickly,.

But yes you’re absolutely correct about the after care, that’s the bottom line, if you’re lucky genetically, catch it soon enough and get on ok with either Finasteride or Dutasteride (which both present possible side effects and possible implications) , it requires very little, but most it takes quite a bit of work, and I could tell you some stories what some people go through which are pretty funny, if it wasn’t so serious a problem to them.
It probably does look good to the untrained eye (no offence intended there mate) I’ve just been ‘in the game’ too long and can spot who’s had what type of procedure done quite easily/quickly,.

But yes you’re absolutely correct about the after care, that’s the bottom line, if you’re lucky genetically, catch it soon enough and get on ok with either Finasteride or Dutasteride (which both present possible side effects and possible implications) , it requires very little, but most it takes quite a bit of work, and I could tell you some stories what some people go through which are pretty funny, if it wasn’t so serious a problem to them.

No offence taken :)

Plenty to think about, although I try not to think about it.
Can be extremely liberating when you finally aren't too concerned how you look, with the caveat you look after yourself and keep healthy.

But can understand if one might think it makes them less desirable to potential dates/partners....again, with the caveat that some my not give two fucks about that either.

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