Balotelli - MOTM

I'm trying really hard not to get over excited about Balo and give the lad a chance to settle, but lets face it, he is everything we blues love in a player.....I swear I felt it twitch when he dinked that shot just wide if the top corner!
very impressive debut i must say... looked like he will be phenomenal for us...

Motm was Yaya for me...
Impressive debut - really quite concerned that he is injured though - not like a player to suddenly crumple on the floor.

Hope we find out the news soon
we looked much more threatening when ballotelli came on .gareth barry was totally ineffective i think ballotelli just knocked knees with the defender hopefully he will be ok.but was really impressed how we kept hold of the ball and how solid as a unit we look bring on the scousers.
Yaya was definitely MOTM but balotelli did good, i just hope that wasnt a serious injury.
we played much better when berry came off, WE CAN NOT PLAY WITH 3 DEFENSIVE MIDS!!!

we have to start with the same lineup against liverpool except balotelli for berry and milner for de jong.

I just love Super Mario, what a 30 minutes that!

Please for the love of all that is blue don't be injured Super Mario!
Really good performance tonight from the whole team... Balotelli looks a class act, and VK & KT looked solid again when tested!!! We must of had about 80% possesion!!!

P.S. On about 80 mins AJ got the ball over the top and my stream went onto a Vanish advert... I nearly fell off my forkin chair, did anyone elses do it??

Was Ireland in it?

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