Balotelli - MOTM

Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
VK: Oi, fuckin pack that in. Do you not realise your ruining football !


Jesus Christ has Vinnie got hold of Balo's shlong, lmao
A very impressive debut and im sure now he will get a great reception which he has never recieved in Italy or from his Inter fans from us which will send his confidence through the sky

I know what is truly telling of how good his debut was is that even the rag infested bile spewing media are getting all giddy about him playing in the prem
dannybcity said:
Pigeonho said:
The press wouldn't need much persuasion to get on Balotelli's back if he went 3 or 4 games without getting his first goal.

It'll just be "3 or 4 games without a Premier League goal" then "3 or 4 games without a Cup goal" etc.

mario has never been 3 or 4 games without score , nor when he was 17....
Mancio said:
dannybcity said:
It'll just be "3 or 4 games without a Premier League goal" then "3 or 4 games without a Cup goal" etc.

mario has never been 3 or 4 games without score , nor when he was 17....

You weren't lying about this lad were you? Looks like we've got ourselves a fantastic player.
hgblue said:
Mancio said:
mario has never been 3 or 4 games without score , nor when he was 17....

You weren't lying about this lad were you? Looks like we've got ourselves a fantastic player.

why would I lie? ;)

mario is strong, has everything, shooting, dribbling, vision, touch, everything.

but most of all he has a special emotive charge. a kind of charisma , of crazyness , . a thing that had I never seen before in football. Mario splits, breaks, squash , crack down the games emotionally. you feel it on your skin when he come on the pitch.
It's going to be a special moment watching this lad trot out or come on as sub on Monday wearing the blue of MCFC.

Can't fucking wait, roll on Monday.
no word of his knock today so I can only take that as good news, hopefully can play Monday.
Andouble said:
no word of his knock today so I can only take that as good news, hopefully can play Monday.
Mancini shrugged it off when the interviewer asked about it during the post-match interview. Also had a cheeky smile at the end so I'm sure it's nothing. Just an Italian thing I reckon. Whenever an Italian player gets touched on the pitch he acts like a mini-nuke exploded inside him! :)

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