Balotelli - What was he thinking?

shadygiz said:
hgblue said:
Wiggum22 said:
Nothing to see here. Mancini should of just pissed himself at that and let the boy carry on expressing himself. ( From a Rag, yeah )
Pretty sure he wouldn't do this in a match where the result actually means something.

Er, no. This wasn't a sunday morning game between two teams of pissheads turning out for a laugh. Mancini is trying to instill a professional and winning mentality into his players and this sort of thing flies in the face of that. I'm curious as to whether those comparing this self indulgent farce with Mancini's back heal and Rooney's overhead kick have ever played the game at any sort of decent standard? Because if you have to have the difference explained to you you probably haven't.

just lol...another that missed the point...both mancini & rooney "tried something different", something "against the grain" something "unexpected" & something "spectacular" and won the game for their teams...both playing for teams that had winning instilled into the team, hence why they tried the spectacular to get a goal

but according to you when balo tries it, it's an "indulgent farce"

come on mate, you cant really be serious

Exactly my point, Slim!
Bluemoon115 said:
If he waits 'til half time, stands him up in the dressing room and gives him the "hair dryer treatment", and takes him off then, Balo has his tantrum behind closed doors, the players see Mancini means business, and we keep our dirty laundry in house.

But whatever, Mancini's moved on. If Balo and the other players have done the same then we should really.

Maybe the public humiliation will go a lot further toward getting Mario's mind right than a bollocking behind closed doors. Without knowing the personality of the player I'm note sure you can say one method is right and the other is wrong.
On a lighter mood
Sky Sports News
After Mario Balotelli's 'trick', we'll be looking at other failed showboating moments. Let us know your favourites this afternoon!

What's the funniest showboating moment you've seen?

mine would have to be David Dunn

cookster said:
moomba said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Having just watched it again Balotelli obviously thinks it's offside.

Big fuck up by him to not put it in and worry about the whistle later.

And big fuck up by the manager to bring him off for what was ultiamtely a naive mistake.

You could just as easily argue that it wouldn have been a big fuck up to do nothing. The players were obviously pissed off about it, how would they have reacted if Mancini's chosen one got off scot free. And would the message sink in if Mancini had of just laughed it off.

Seems to me one of those cases where people would criticise the manager no matter what he did.

Exactly! I reckon the "professional" within the team are getting fed up with his on field childish antics and ultimately that will have an affect on team morale.

and thats exactly the reason mancini should have done this in the dressing room at half time in front of all the other players....same impact & end product but a lot less fuss and media bollox
It was quite clear to me that Balotelli thought he'd been pulled up for offside, watching it on ESPN I assumed the whistle had gone, no way was he trying to score. It was a bit of an overreaction from Roberto, he could have waited until HT to hear Balotelli's side of it. Let 's hope there's no long-term problem arising from it.
This worked out well.
Sigh said:
This worked out well.

That's summed up my point exactly!

A manager can have success with a "hard man" approach... but once the dressing room turns against you, you're in trouble.

It's a sound policy if you have the track record to back it up, and that the Chairman supports you, but you can't keep chucking players out the door just because they disagree with you.

That's unprofessional as well.

It's a thin line between love and hate...
To be perfectly honest id like to think that if Balo had really wanted to score he would have done...

Lets not forget the little showboat back flick that lead to us winning the Final.


2 mins 50 secs.
shadygiz said:
cookster said:
moomba said:
You could just as easily argue that it wouldn have been a big fuck up to do nothing. The players were obviously pissed off about it, how would they have reacted if Mancini's chosen one got off scot free. And would the message sink in if Mancini had of just laughed it off.

Seems to me one of those cases where people would criticise the manager no matter what he did.

Exactly! I reckon the "professional" within the team are getting fed up with his on field childish antics and ultimately that will have an affect on team morale.

and thats exactly the reason mancini should have done this in the dressing room at half time in front of all the other players....same impact & end product but a lot less fuss and media bollox

Of course that's what he should have done. Because whilst I (sort of) take the point that he needs to impose authority, he also needs to be seen to be fair.

He should now be having a chat with Mario, telling him he made a mistake subbing him but also bollocking Mario for not banging it in. They should shake hands and put it behind them and both move on. Mancini would do himself favours with the squad if he was seen to act in a "fair" manner like this.

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