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Trigger said:
Blue Phil said:
... I know i won't... I'm going on holiday, how did you know :) ?

It will be a long one if you continue to WUM, please note you now have one warning on your file.

P.S Jokes are mean't to be funny, strangely enough I did not see anybody on here laughing at yours!
Not every one who laugh's posts "HAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS FUNNY" some people are descrete. Still haven't awnsered my question :'(
Blue Phil said:
larderland said:
so basically u got the attention u need?>??
Off course :) which is the general idea of a joke, to get attention, to make people laugh when they realise it was a joke... Obviously there are a lot of people on here who humour is lost on, called a prick and threatened with a ban. You all need to chill out FFS, it's a forum

I think you're one of them! What the fuck is remotely funny about saying the deal's off? Where's the humour in that? The only joke is for your benefit if you find winding people up funny & even then nobody believed you so that was just a waste of time anyway.

If you want people to enjoy humour, try saying something amusing rather than just behaving like a knobhead.
Blue Phil said:
Trigger said:
It will be a long one if you continue to WUM, please note you now have one warning on your file.

P.S Jokes are mean't to be funny, strangely enough I did not see anybody on here laughing at yours!
Not every one who laugh's posts "HAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS FUNNY" some people are descrete. Still haven't awnsered my question :'(

give it a rest bp. trig is a good lad.
Trigger said:
Blue Phil said:
... I know i won't... I'm going on holiday, how did you know :) ?

It will be a long one if you continue to WUM, please note you now have one warning on your file.

P.S Jokes are mean't to be funny, strangely enough I did not see anybody on here laughing at yours!

You can get warned for telling an unfunny joke?! Bloody hell, Eddie Large wouldn't last very long on here....
Blue Phil said:
larderland said:
so basically u got the attention u need?>??
Off course :) which is the general idea of a joke, to get attention, to make people laugh when they realise it was a joke... Obviously there are a lot of people on here who humour is lost on, called a prick and threatened with a ban. You all need to chill out FFS, it's a forum

Unfortunately you are about as funny as piles.

You really need to get a girlfriend mate...
Blue Phil said:
Trigger said:
It will be a long one if you continue to WUM, please note you now have one warning on your file.
Mr Trigger...sir? Please? how many warnings is one permitted sir?

It depends on the seriousness of your "crime", you can be banned instantly.

Deliberately winding up fellow blues is a no no, and as I said in your warning if you had been a RAG posting what you did would have got you banned.

Please do not take up a career as a stand up comedian as you would not make any money.
Blue Phil said:
Not every one who laugh's posts "HAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS FUNNY" some people are descrete.


Although I can guarantee there wasn't a single person who thought "HAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS FUNNY" either.

Just forget about it and put it behind you.
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