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Blue Phil said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Another super duper Hughes idea
Onoaha, Caciedo will still be on Sven's wages. Shouldn't be a problem.

Ned signed a new deal not long ago so his wages have been bumped up, hence the reason hes gone out on loan because i believe if Mancini could of got rid permanantley he would of. As for Caicedo hes off to West Ham on loan is sky are right. Like people have said we dont stand a chance of gettin rid of the likes of RSC, Jo, Robinho and more unless they accept a huge cut in their wages plus which clubs will pay the fees we want. We paid £15m for RSC, £17m for Jo and £32m for Robinho, now we know we arent going to get that amount of money back. Personally id take £20m for all 3 but i cant see the club accepting such a loss
twitter said:
matthew_barker: Balotelli currently spending his 20th birthday on
the beach with Miss Reggio Emilia 2009. Man City possibly not on his mind at the moment.
twitter said:
matthew_barker: Balotellicurrently spending his 20th birthday on
the beach with Miss Reggio Emilia 2009. Man City possibly not on his mind at the moment

have to agree, no disrespect lads, but if i was with miss reggio, no bloody footy club would be on my mind !!! chillin on the beach with some darling in a skimpy bikini, get it nailed lad !!!
bojinov29 said:

have to agree, no disrespect lads, but if i was with miss reggio, no bloody footy club would be on my mind !!! chillin on the beach with some darling in a skimpy bikini, get it nailed lad !!!

Well he was on here last night answering questions via his sister so you never know ;-)
Well he won't be at CoMs today or training tomorrow, was hoping we'd have two newbs for Spurs, even to warm the bench.
I cannot see why we are letting this one drag on. Balotelli has been off for two days now surely we should have tied this one up and at least allow him to enjoy his birthday before training on Friday.
Taylor said:
I cannot see why we are letting this one drag on. Balotelli has been off for two days now surely we should have tied this one up and at least allow him to enjoy his birthday before training on Friday.

Any self respecting 20 year old,will be in no condition to do any training for the next 72 hours,with the amount of shagging and supping he should be doing.
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