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Balotelli was called up to the national team

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Congrats to him.
Been patiently lurking the forums, hoping to catch some news, but the past few days have been absolutely annoying as the utter crap being spewed by the press I just had to rant. is now "reporting" that the transfer fee has balloned to sixty-summat million pound sterling and that City is posed to pay that figure....WHAT? How did the negotiations go from City wanting something around the 20s and Mario's agent wanting something around the 30s of millions of pounds to over twice that amount?

The sensationalist reporting of the Balotelli deal is just getting more absurd as the negotiations drag on. And of course all the rags and "I hate moneybags citeh" crew are just jumping at the chance to decry this "obscene" story. What's obscene is that they automatically believe all these stories immediately and without question, like that story about the 180K per week salary, etc.

The story is so ludicrous that its not even worth the bother of posting the link here.

I know this topic has been discussed ad naseum, but I just had to let my feelings be known to some (hopefully) sympathetic people haha

oh yeah:

NewbBlue said:
Balotelli was called up to the national team

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -friendly-</a>

Congrats to him.

beat me to it.
gman07 said:
Pam said:
Will the premature ejeculators kindly chill. Ta.
but but Paaammmm i cant help myself...

Why are certain media outlets continuing to say that Balotelli wants £180,000 per week and that's the hold up. It's been over 28 hours since the story was debunked at source. Using a story you know be untrue in order to damage a person's reputation constitutes slander.
Pam said:
gman07 said:
but but Paaammmm i cant help myself...

Why are certain media outlets continuing to say that Balotelli wants £180,000 per week and that's the hold up. It's been over 28 hours since the story was debunked at source. Using a story you know be untrue in order to damage a person's reputation constitutes slander.

I`ve said this before PAM.As soon as we hopefully conclude our business with both Balo and Milner,some fucker at the Club should take action agianst these media twats and do whatever is neccessary,to rid any more future shit publications !!
Pam said:
gman07 said:
but but Paaammmm i cant help myself...

Why are certain media outlets continuing to say that Balotelli wants £180,000 per week and that's the hold up. It's been over 28 hours since the story was debunked at source. Using a story you know be untrue in order to damage a person's reputation constitutes slander.
yea its very annoying... and watching newsnow 10 times each hour wont help a bit... been thinking the same about robinho stories and the adebayor story... suddenly every newspaper in the world runs the story and it looks crazy on newsnow... annoying as fuck... and they keep repeating the stories forever...

Sorry but i have no answer on this one more than its so frustrating and it gets on my and everyone elses nerves!
Anyone else on here think that the delay is probably to do with City and/or Inter incorporating Robinho in the deal.

When looking through all the media gumpf, seems we had agreed a fee with Inter, then later with player, then all went to rat shit as greedy agent tried to include more add ons, followed by greedy player nonsense etc. This deal quite possibly could have been sorted out weeks ago, but then Inter may have expressed an interest in robbi and the whole deal may then have had to be re-structured, while obviously waiting for loan deal with santos to expire (hence delay).

Just a thought! Roll on next week !!!
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