Banner at Celtic today

alblue said:
Coinnéach said:
Fair play to the Celtic fans, bloody sensitive English plebs commenting on things they know fuck all about - tiochfaidh ar la, HAIL HAIL

How can you come on an ENGLISH website and start being so abusive about the English?

Always happens on this topic,
all the d!ckheads from both sides come out and turn it into something it shouldnt. As TTT said before it should be pulled now.

And why do you (Coinnéach) even come on her if you never talk about footyball. Its not the first time you have been abusing British soldiers on here either. If you dont like the British dont come on to one of thier clubs websites to talk to mainly British people, instead go back to your cave you arse

Leave him mate.

If us English fans are 'commenting on things we know nothing about', surely the SCOTTISH Celtic fans should shut the fuck up with their deluded views on what the British soldiers did in IRELAND.

If you're going to sing songs supporting a terrorist group, why not at least make it a terrorist group from your own country?
They only sing them songs to make themselves seen "scary". I Bet half of them couldn't read what the banners said the thick bastards, probably still think larrsons upfront aswell
mike1923 said:
with their deluded views on what the British soldiers did in IRELAND.
What the British soldiers did in Ireland down the generations is going to upset some people. The methods employed by troops in Ireland is always going to stick in the throat of people on the recieving end of unfair injustice.

These people in the ground rightly or wrongly decided to make a poor banner saying that they disagreed with the poppy on their clubs shirt. They exercised their right to use freedom of speech to make a banner exercising their rights. Simply leaving a message 'scum' or wanting to kill or maim these people simply adds to the problem.
"The poor young soldiers who died in the mud and shit of France and Belgium would be sickened to think their memory was being used to perpetuate the 'old lie'. They were sent to their death, not to protect freedom or for justice, but for greed, a lust for power and the desires of old men far from the front lines to look hard."

Thats a hell of a lot of volunteers in the first years of the war being sent to France and Flanders and the rest that your generalising on. Conscription didn't come in, in this country untill 1916 and not at all in some of the commonwealth nations, giving you a fair few million men who voluntered to go and fight for the countries rather than being sent to fight for them
BlueKingEll said:
"The poor young soldiers who died in the mud and shit of France and Belgium would be sickened to think their memory was being used to perpetuate the 'old lie'. They were sent to their death, not to protect freedom or for justice, but for greed, a lust for power and the desires of old men far from the front lines to look hard."

Thats a hell of a lot of volunteers in the first years of the war being sent to France and Flanders and the rest that your generalising on. Conscription didn't come in, in this country untill 1916 and not at all in some of the commonwealth nations, giving you a fair few million men who voluntered to go and fight for the countries rather than being sent to fight for them
Where did I mention conscription mate? If anything my post refers more to the volunteers, who went becuase of 'the lies their fathers told', than to conscripts.

And Kipling knows his shit on this; he was one of those fathers who sent his son away to die by filling him full of shit.
depps said:
BlueKingEll said:
"The poor young soldiers who died in the mud and shit of France and Belgium would be sickened to think their memory was being used to perpetuate the 'old lie'. They were sent to their death, not to protect freedom or for justice, but for greed, a lust for power and the desires of old men far from the front lines to look hard."

Thats a hell of a lot of volunteers in the first years of the war being sent to France and Flanders and the rest that your generalising on. Conscription didn't come in, in this country untill 1916 and not at all in some of the commonwealth nations, giving you a fair few million men who voluntered to go and fight for the countries rather than being sent to fight for them
Where did I mention conscription mate? If anything my post refers more to the volunteers, who went becuase of 'the lies their fathers told', than to conscripts.

And Kipling knows his shit on this; he was one of those fathers who sent his son away to die by filling him full of shit.

Apologies for my spelling but
Dolce et decorum est pro patria mori
Greater love hath no man than he lays down his life for his friends.

Many many thousands of men form "their love of dear old Ireland that they have never seen" gave their lives during the great war and in continueing conflicts thereafter, indeed it was the Irish that landed in Portugal and started to kick Napoleon out of power.
& if I was to start on the battle honours of the Scottish regiments (quite a few I have served alongside, and ALL had a mixture of supporters of various scottish clubs, i would be here for a long time typing when I should be getting ready for an early morning flight for the derby, but if Kipling wants to tell of "the lies their fathers told" i would suggest the white feather from their mother and her ilk would have been more to enhance recruitment to the LIONS LED BY LAMBS, & I will alway be proud to wear a red poppy, not to avoid a white feather but to remember my forefathers who gave their lives in the fields where the red poppies grow.
i wear my poppy with pride and gratitude to all those men and woman who fought for this country and in doing so helping to protect their own country, not just for the english but the scottish, irish, welsh, hindu, sikh, muslim, fijian, australian, kiwi, canadian, polish, south african, west indian, so many other nationalities and faiths who fought and gave their tomorrow for our today i am indebted to each and all and to see their bravery besmirched by cowardly scum like those that support that and any other banner sickens me, if only they stopped to think ( if thats possible ) what they be ? under the german jackboot or russian rule, where any dissent would have seen them executed no doubt, but for those brave and loyal men.
If hitler had defeated britain, would he have respected irish neutrality or just used that country as a launch pad to america ?
northstander said:
i wear my poppy with pride and gratitude to all those men and woman who fought for this country and in doing so helping to protect their own country, not just for the english but the scottish, irish, welsh, hindu, sikh, muslim, fijian, australian, kiwi, canadian, polish, south african, west indian, so many other nationalities and faiths who fought and gave their tomorrow for our today i am indebted to each and all and to see their bravery besmirched by cowardly scum like those that support that and any other banner sickens me, if only they stopped to think ( if thats possible ) what they be ? under the german jackboot or russian rule, where any dissent would have seen them executed no doubt, but for those brave and loyal men.
If hitler had defeated britain, would he have respected irish neutrality or just used that country as a launch pad to america ?

Top post mate<br /><br />-- Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:01 pm --<br /><br />


The guy who posted that is a twat, just like you. Opposite sides of the same coin.

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