Banner at Celtic today

Ricster said:
Take it nobody seen the twat apologising on the news?

He said, The only thing i apologise for is spelling Bloodstained wrong.

Fucking wanker. Give me 10 minutes with him. I'll kill the fuck.

fuck that, have the **** run through a minefield and see what happens, if he survives then torture him until his legs snap off, then stick him to a front of a tank, and take him offroading until everything can be used for them scummy fans to drink out of.
wish they'd take their anti-British propaganda bollox to there allies hiding in the caves of afghanistan.go on,fuck off and join your mate bin laden yer filthy cnuts.
I have read through this thread and don't quite see what all the fuss is about!?!?

Some blokes in Scotland don't support the idea of the red poppy. They feel that the British army had committed some terrible crimes abroad (let's be honest here what army serving an Empire hasn't) so they make some very, vey poor banners saying as such.

If we hadn't given them all this publicity on the internet/SSN/Papers etc... we all wouldn't know and really wouldn't care. To say we would like to 'kill' ot 'hurt' these people is a bit much when we take freedom of speech in this country as a right. Is it freedom of speech as long as we say what the majority want to hear??

Let them have their day it really doesn't effect anyone outside Celtics ground does it. To be honest I think there's a lot worse shit going on in our local communities that deserves our outrage a lot more. Or am I missing the point completely. To be honest it wouldn't be the 1st time or the last
It's funny that people like law, who have actually served in the military, aren't getting worked up by this and in spite of their own personal feelings on the issue can see it clearly and rationally while some idiots want to beat the drums of war as loud as possible to show how hard they are or something. In doing so they actually make the association between the poppies and imperialism that the Celtic fans claim exists. Ironic really.

More ironic again is that they berate pinkwheeltrim for his pacifist standpoint when he is actually the one who best honours the dead of WWI by trying to prevent the like from ever happening again.

The poor young soldiers who died in the mud and shit of France and Belgium would be sickened to think their memory was being used to perpetuate the 'old lie'. They were sent to their death, not to protect freedom or for justice, but for greed, a lust for power and the desires of old men far from the front lines to look hard.

"If any question why we died,
Tell them, because our fathers lied."

Rudyard Kipling
Young_TomO said:
Ricster said:
Take it nobody seen the twat apologising on the news?

He said, The only thing i apologise for is spelling Bloodstained wrong.

Fucking wanker. Give me 10 minutes with him. I'll kill the fuck.

fuck that, have the **** run through a minefield and see what happens, if he survives then torture him until his legs snap off, then stick him to a front of a tank, and take him offroading until everything can be used for them scummy fans to drink out of.

So basically you would both murder him given the chance.

And you dont see the irony?
johnmc said:
Young_TomO said:
fuck that, have the **** run through a minefield and see what happens, if he survives then torture him until his legs snap off, then stick him to a front of a tank, and take him offroading until everything can be used for them scummy fans to drink out of.

So basically you would both murder him given the chance.

And you dont see the irony?

I was well pissed off at the time, reflecting on it now, i'd torture the fucker within an inch of his life.

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