Banning smoking in beer gardens

I think this is taking things a step too far, I smoke (and have done for over 50 years and having paid all the ludicrous tax hikes and rather than being a bloody burden on the NHS I think I've contributed more than enough!) and am aware it's not healthy but where is the freedom of choice? I still maintain that pubs should be able to allow smoking inside the pub never mind the beer gardens. No-one is umaware of the health risks so if a pub chooses to allow smoking and people don't like it then go elsewhere to a pub that doesn't allow it?
Driving is dangerous (for innocent pedestrians as well as drivers), when are we going to ban cars and buses?
It infuriates me that one hand we have shop lifting being given the green light thanks to the police ignoring it and people convicted of knife crime etc getting an automatic 50% off etc etc etc plus billions of pounds to pay benefits to people who've never contributed taxes we have the time and money to try and stop people having a smoke in the open air!!

What a fuckin idiotic take.
I got told to stop vaping at the train station platform. What's the fucking point!
I think this is taking things a step too far, I smoke (and have done for over 50 years and having paid all the ludicrous tax hikes and rather than being a bloody burden on the NHS I think I've contributed more than enough!) and am aware it's not healthy but where is the freedom of choice? I still maintain that pubs should be able to allow smoking inside the pub never mind the beer gardens. No-one is umaware of the health risks so if a pub chooses to allow smoking and people don't like it then go elsewhere to a pub that doesn't allow it?
Driving is dangerous (for innocent pedestrians as well as drivers), when are we going to ban cars and buses?
It infuriates me that one hand we have shop lifting being given the green light thanks to the police ignoring it and people convicted of knife crime etc getting an automatic 50% off etc etc etc plus billions of pounds to pay benefits to people who've never contributed taxes we have the time and money to try and stop people having a smoke in the open air!!
What about the barman, the lounge boy, waitresses etc.
So if they are going to work there, they know who they’re working for and have to agree to put up with it.

I support outside smoking areas but, I don’t support your argument at all.
Where are they to go then?
I don’t smoke. Never have and hate the stench of it too.
But surely a designated outside area or areas, smoking and non smoking would be fairer.
As it is, when we’re out with mates, the smoker has to to leave your company for five minutes and go outside and then return.
Is it not better that they have a designated area rather than going out the front door onto the street?
If you go back and read my post again, I pass no comment on banning smoking in outside areas (ie beer gardens), only inside the building.
What about the barman, the lounge boy, waitresses etc.
So if they are going to work there, they know who they’re working for and have to agree to put up with it.

I support outside smoking areas but, I don’t support your argument at all.
I didn't actually say smoking should be allowed inside again, I do think there should have been a choice but that boat has sailed I get it. I just said banning it outside is a step too far.
The problem with some pubs is - On a lovely sunny day you go in a very nice beer garden and it’s like an ashtray it’s disgusting
Imagine paying for the garden to be built then destroyed by cigarette burns etc id be furious
I think this is taking things a step too far, I smoke (and have done for over 50 years and having paid all the ludicrous tax hikes and rather than being a bloody burden on the NHS I think I've contributed more than enough!) and am aware it's not healthy but where is the freedom of choice? I still maintain that pubs should be able to allow smoking inside the pub never mind the beer gardens. No-one is umaware of the health risks so if a pub chooses to allow smoking and people don't like it then go elsewhere to a pub that doesn't allow it?
Driving is dangerous (for innocent pedestrians as well as drivers), when are we going to ban cars and buses?
It infuriates me that one hand we have shop lifting being given the green light thanks to the police ignoring it and people convicted of knife crime etc getting an automatic 50% off etc etc etc plus billions of pounds to pay benefits to people who've never contributed taxes we have the time and money to try and stop people having a smoke in the open air!!
The driving is dangerous, let's ban driving argument is so illogical that it's painful. It's crazy that it stills needs explaining to people.
Can’t agree on that. Smoking is an obnoxious habit, and a killer. Which I'm sure you are well aware of. Why should non smokers be subjected to the stink created by smokers? Going home with your hair (not so much in my case!) and clothes reeking of cigarette smoke? No, thanks. I was in Mary D's last weekend, and was with friends out in the smoking area. It was horrible. But, better outside than in the building.
If you don’t like it then don’t go in the smoking area. Not hard is it.

And I say that as a former smoker who can’t stand the slightest smell of it.
Another nail in the coffin for boozers. If you’re banning smoking in beer gardens because of passive smoking etc is it gonna be banned in all outdoor public places ?
I don’t smoke so glad its not allowed indoors but banning it outside is madness

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