Banning smoking in beer gardens

I think banning smoking in a beer garden is a bit harsh. I do agree smoking anywhere inside is not on. When I’m shooting up, I don’t jab the guy next to me with the last wee bit without his consent. Apart from that one time, but, generally I don’t do that. I feel the same about sharing unwanted smoke.
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Strawman arguement ! ask the Welsh who have had a 20mph speed limit imposed on them. As a regular visitor I've yet to meet one that agrees with it. Its big brother f=going to far.
Re vapes, little or no research has been done into them. Bearing in mind tobacco companies manufacture vapes I'm very worried abot the harm they do. If they ban cigs they should ban these, but they wont.
Usually you would need evidence of harm to ban something and even then its not always the case. Personally i think putting anything but clean air into your lungs won't be great. But the only way for us to avoid chemicals or toxins would be emigrating to another planet.
It's impossible to have a debate as a pro banner of certain things without ending up getting yourself in a twisted hypocritical mess.
The main concern around this is the number of children developing a nicotine addiction thanks to the unregulated vapes market.
Seems a bit harsh to ban smokers from one important avenue for socialising and catching up with mates.
Keep the inside ban but allow it outside.
In the meantime work on the problems of people getting addicted in their teens or early twenties.

It is not banning smokers. It is banning smoking. Smokers aren't banned from planes, trains, restaurants, bars etc.

I am all for smoke free outside zones. If some can create both, great. If not, then I am all for it being completely smoke free instead. To be fair, I wouldn't have an issue with that inside too, i.e if places can successfully do both. Does make it shit for the staff though, which is the point of the law.
Why would it kill pubs. People don't got to pubs to smoke. They are talking about licenced beer gardens, not 'outside' as a whole. People can still step beyond that for a smoke just like they step outside the door of the pub.

I get smokers think it is unfair, but I simlarly think it is unfair feeling like I have to avoid being outside, if it is overly smoked up. To some that might not seem unpleasant, to others it is. Lot's of places in europe have smoke free parks, beaches and areas, this would be the same, maybe a smoke free outside zone as someone said. I do think it should be an encouraged choice though, not an enforced rule. To start with at first. Then places would do it based on their popularity and clientele, and punters can choose where to go based on it if they want to.
I remember after the smoking ban in pubs and it still happens today but not as much most of the non smokers came outside with us.

I think second hand smoke from pub Gardens is of such little danger its pretty pointless changing anything tbh. Smoking is slowly being eradicated anyhow.

Vaping inside pubs is really the question but there you go.

It's all headlining nonsense. If more people smoked they probably wouldn't do it. Politicians always have their eyes on the ballot box.
I remember after the smoking ban in pubs and it still happens today but not as much most of the non smokers came outside with us.

I think second hand smoke from pub Gardens is of such little danger its pretty pointless changing anything tbh. Smoking is slowly being eradicated anyhow.

Vaping inside pubs is really the question but there you go.

It's all headlining nonsense. If more people smoked they probably wouldn't do it. Politicians always have their eyes on the ballot box.

I have gone out with a mate or mates and stood out with them when they fancy a smoke, more often though I don't. Most of my mates that do smoke, if we are outside with non-smokers will refrain from smoking at the table out of courtesy. Or will go to a further bit or out to the front if they want to. It is the others around that still make it shit.

I've never heard of vaping being separated from smoking tbf, the ban covers both.

I disagree on smoke from beer gardens, but it can vary depending on a lot of things, size, number etc. There are many people that actively avoid being outside because of it, I have moved inside on many occasions both with family and with smoking friends who get that. I would welcome a ban on beer gardens. Or on the whole thing altgether tbf.
Can’t agree on that. Smoking is an obnoxious habit, and a killer. Which I'm sure you are well aware of. Why should non smokers be subjected to the stink created by smokers? Going home with your hair (not so much in my case!) and clothes reeking of cigarette smoke? No, thanks. I was in Mary D's last weekend, and was with friends out in the smoking area. It was horrible. Now; if people want to slowly kill themselves, that's their choice. But, please, don't inflict it on me or other non smokers. Thanks.
Where are they to go then?
I don’t smoke. Never have and hate the stench of it too.
But surely a designated outside area or areas, smoking and non smoking would be fairer.
As it is, when we’re out with mates, the smoker has to to leave your company for five minutes and go outside and then return.
Is it not better that they have a designated area rather than going out the front door onto the street?

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