Barcelona Away Stories

A mate of mine went over without tickets and was asking around about how to get one. He was directed to one of the Barca ticket booths but was told he'd need a foreign passport to get any.
He strolls up and asks for 2 tickets. The vendor asks where he's from.
" Scotland" he replies. "I'm Scottish"
"Certainly señor, where would you like to seet'
Picks his spot right below the City pen and strolled out with his tickets to the envy of those that had given him the heads up.
"How the fuck did you get them?" they enquired.
"Told I'm Scottish' he said.
Before you know it one of the still went in and chanced his luck.
"Three tickets for the game please"
"Where are you coming from?" asks the vendor.
"Wales"he said. "I'm welsh"
"Sorry señor, no sell tikeets for you"

Fuck me it turns out that even the Spanish hate the Welsh!
de niro said:
BlueBearBoots said:
de niro said:
it would take a game of immense importance for me to return there. shame.

Yeah why didn't you enjoy it ? Seemed to be having fun in the square? Mind you same as a few have said do not like being so high up in the stadium, needed blooming binoculars!!

obviously having had my phone nicked, then we manage to find a couple of scrotes who'd been robbing blues only for the police to step and detain us, had me, my daughter and a few others up against a wall, facing the wall and not allowed to have our say, they totally refused to let us speak. as if WE were the criminals. eventually they let me and jess go, didn't see what happened to the other lads. once at the ground we soon realise we are wasting our time, the CL is as bent as fuck., its all been for nothing.
plus points. the team were terrific, ok not lescott but on the whole we did well. the sq with all the blues was great, and finally the taxi drivers were sound, not a rip off in sight.

would I go back? would I fuck.
You looked so happy round the square before the match Bill n' the folk you were with, happiest I've seen you on euro awaydays, don't let some daft simple minded scrotes put you off mate, its a great city in the main with a proud set of peoples that have carved out their very own identity way above that of neighborin Spain...
Maintainin said:
BlueBearBoots said:
unsworthblue said:
i could probably write a decent book about this trip,had a top day out in Brussels en route to Barca,got into to Barca late tuesday night,had a top night out but found myself getting pissed off with the amount of knobheads who'd had too much to drink whinging about being robbed,has nobody got any common sense? your in a City noted for being infested with slivering,thieving twats and people are getting that wrecked that they don't even know their own and a few of my pals decided to form a vigilante group and ended up on a revenge mission on las Ramblas on the wednesday night,we'd had enough of the thieving twats and brass so we decided to go and rob the pickpockets,beat them at their own game so to speak,was funny as fuck watching a gang of mancs surrounding gangs of Morrocans down these back streets saying 'how do you like it' as we rifled through their pockets,some of the brass got fucked off and humiliated as well,at one strange we were singing that 'pick a pocket or 2' from Oliver Twist as we had these thieving scum bags down this back street.Funny funny night and a brilliant trip i will never forget,as for the football,fuck knows,how can you get involved in a game of footie from 3 miles away up high in Nou Camp,glad my pal gave me a ticket and never paid

Can't decide whether you are being serious or not ! Just in case you are did you find an orange and red purse ? The shits nicked it coming out of the ground. But on a more serious note you are kidding?
Think I already mentioned in this thread that the brass on Wednesday nite round ramblas were harder than the lil thievin twats with 6 fingers lookin for easy pickins n' wot not ...I was bein kind, unsworthblue is spot on imo !!!
hope you found the moon raker Maintainin lol
unsworthblue said:
Maintainin said:
BlueBearBoots said:
Can't decide whether you are being serious or not ! Just in case you are did you find an orange and red purse ? The shits nicked it coming out of the ground. But on a more serious note you are kidding?
Think I already mentioned in this thread that the brass on Wednesday nite round ramblas were harder than the lil thievin twats with 6 fingers lookin for easy pickins n' wot not ...I was bein kind, unsworthblue is spot on imo !!!
hope you found the moon raker Maintainin lol
moon raker, the fuckin moon raker hahaha
1astro.gif had me good with that one, totally convinced n' couldn't get it outta me friggin head :)
blue b4 the moon said:
Got back to Oldham at 18.40 after what seemed like 4 days on the Motorway from Luton.

Great time, great city but shit ground a fans that are even more plastic than the rags.

I'll probably take Mrs Moon for a couple of nights but won't do footie there again.

Special word for Mac and Linda for the transfers boy you two earned your money this week.
Will second that .. Went gerona barca with them spot on and communicated well and friendly will defo use there services again thanks mac n linda
Only just got back this evening.

Plane delayed for an hour due to fog in Liverpool.

Had a fantastic 5 days with the Mrs.

Must have been lucky as neither of us lost a thing. Saying that, I had everything zipped up in my coat.

Monday night at My Bar was f***ing superb.

Gary Owen walking up and down the bar starting off numerous City songs. Banging the stool on the floor until the bar staff told him to stop. Stroking my Mrs hair. Easy Gary! The best bit, pumping his arms and really going for it, whilst singing a certain United song. Me and the Mrs were in stitches watching him. Tommy Booth coming in and giving everyone a speech, and then starting a few City songs. Got to admit, me and the Mr's were absolutely smashed that night. Go lost on the Ramblas, finally got a taxi, couldn't pronounce the name of the Hotel properly and ended up at the wrong one. Taxi driver was sound about it and finally worked out where we wanted to go. Didn't rip us off either.

Tuesday was a quiet day as we were both feeling rough. Just went sightseeing and had an easy evening.

Went to the Camp Nou early doors on Wednesday for a recky and then headed back to Ramblas and the square. The place was heaving with City fans. Got talking to various City fans including De Niro, who didn't remember me, even though he sold me a ticket for an away match, invited me into his house, and told me about his Trawler trip. :-? Also Met Dante. Got to Camp Nou with a few hours to spare and had a few scoops in the sports centre bar, near the stadium. Then we set off to Camp Nou.

Like most on here I was disappointed with Camp Nou. Dated, poor facilities, and a s*** view. Too high and behind netting. Got back to Ramblas after the game and had a few drinks before going back to the Hotel. Spent yesterday sightseeing again and taking it easy.

Would definitely go back to Barcelona again. Wonderful city. Not sure I'd pay another 76 Euros again for the Camp Nou view and experience.
de niro said:
BlueBearBoots said:
de niro said:
it would take a game of immense importance for me to return there. shame.

Yeah why didn't you enjoy it ? Seemed to be having fun in the square? Mind you same as a few have said do not like being so high up in the stadium, needed blooming binoculars!!

obviously having had my phone nicked, then we manage to find a couple of scrotes who'd been robbing blues only for the police to step and detain us, had me, my daughter and a few others up against a wall, facing the wall and not allowed to have our say, they totally refused to let us speak. as if WE were the criminals. eventually they let me and jess go, didn't see what happened to the other lads. once at the ground we soon realise we are wasting our time, the CL is as bent as fuck., its all been for nothing.
plus points. the team were terrific, ok not lescott but on the whole we did well. the sq with all the blues was great, and finally the taxi drivers were sound, not a rip off in sight.

would I go back? would I fuck.

Bill, I am so sorry that you had such a bad time. From the photo on here I thought you were enjoying Barcelona. That was why I sent you the pm. Please accept my apology. :-(
BlueBearBoots said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Did anyone witness an old man making possibly the biggest arse of himself I've ever seen at the football in the last few minutes of the game?

Started kicking off with the bloke behind who had asked him to sit down. Cocked a punch and realised the other guy wasn't moving. Transferred his rage into trying to throw his hat over the netting. Couldn't do it, and as he got madder and madder everyone around was shouting "oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh" every time he tried and failed to chuck it over. Eventually tried to drop the hat between the netting and the front wall where it got stuck.

I've never seen a man lose all trace of his dignity quite like that at the match. What a 24 carot lemon.
De Niro is notoriously bad at holding his liquor, DD.[/quot

Haha that made me laugh!!

Tbf he was good fun in the square as was his daughter who was lovely - and whoever that was giving us sangria and vodka - cheers!! :)

Guilty -sorry
kbb said:
BlueBearBoots said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
De Niro is notoriously bad at holding his liquor, DD.[/quot

Haha that made me laugh!!

Tbf he was good fun in the square as was his daughter who was lovely - and whoever that was giving us sangria and vodka - cheers!! :)

Guilty -sorry

You with the vodka and sangria? Top bloke :) x
Had one of my best weeks ever.
I am from Manchester but live here... in Barcelona ... founder member the OSC Barcelona Branch.

Being a blue from manchester living here attracted some local media attention , had interviews with local radio station and the Barca website.

But the real fun started for us on Tuesday as we were invited by Ian Cheeseman to help out in blue Tuesday. There was a couple of his mates and Tommy Booth. I had to admit to Tommy I was too young to remember him he made sure he taught me what he did such a nice man.

Sorted a couple of blues out with tickets ( I could have done more there sorry lads next time ) They offerd 150 euros I took 110 I paid 96 but i had to go down to the ground to pick them up etc could not make money out of fellow blues.

Placa real is starting already to get packed with blues.. singing all day.

The game it self. II managed to get in the away end due to the gate being opened in block 538- 37 it was a good idea i think as it was seconds away from kicking off in that section as one or two local dicks were looking for a fight and thankfully were not being understood in the torrent of abuse they were giving to us, (believe me i understood) and it was vile , the Blues around me seemed to be some proper heads and did well to ignore him however i dont think it would have been much longer until he started on someone.

most of the people in that block (locals)did not mind us as they knew it was our biggest day ever..I spoke some south american guy took his very young family up there so they could learn how a proper atmosphere feels.

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