Barcelona H CL Pre match thread {merged}

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1. v QPR
2. v Stoke FA CUP final
3. v United when anything but a win meant we had no chance for the title.

Again, from the MC brand perspective, globally. Imagine an undecided potential supporter in Taiwan. I am not sure FA Cup win vs Stoke can even compare to a potential 3-0 win vs Barca, and the way that would resonate in the footballing world.
Alan Smith reckons City can't go toe to toe with the best footballing side in the world.

I think we can and I also think we are more than capable of handing them a hiding like Bayern did.
brotherblue said:
Hey tolmie!

I see the idea, but I would rather have nasri start tonight.

Yaya ferna

navas silva nasri


This is what I'd go with, but I've got a feeling we'll see Garcia and no Navas, which would be a mistake imo, as we need to keep Alba occupied.
Just posted this in the 'too much respect' thread, but think it should have gone in here so apologies for the duplication - but come on - 'sit back and enjoy the spectacle'?? Lets give them some noise boys and girls.......

You have to respect what they have done, how they play, you also have to be excited that we are going up against them tonight not as massive underdogs - lambs to the slaughter, but knowing they are worried about us, equals at the world's top footballing table. Make no mistake we are the LAST team they wanted to face at this stage.

Because of this, the eyes of the world will be on us tonight, so lets fucking make some noise - make it intimidating for them, hostile even. It used to ruffle the rags before they were shite. We have an intimidating ground when we get going for fucks sake! So don't sit back admiring and respecting, fucking ROAR!

Come on you beautiful City boys, and I'm shitting it now.
Stoned Rose said:
LJ75 said:
Don't know if you will agree, but from Manchester City Brand perspective, this is probably the biggest game of the year (some would argue, ever), as the whole world is watching, and globally (in plain terms, think shirt sales), it could propel City to new heights. Pellegrini knows it, the good Sheikh knows it, and I hope the players know it. It would be great if this pressure translates into the best ever performance by City.

some would argue, ever

I would.

Biggest game in our history imo.

As others have said, its not even the biggest in the past 3-5 years....
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