Barry time for a rest.

If he put one pass wrong today I would be amazed the guy was utter class. to all those knockers , watch and learn, watch and learn!!
OrigamiNinja said:
This thread is comical.

“Gareth Barry makes us tick”

If you honestly believe that after the amount of money we have spent it is Gareth Barry that makes us tick I suggest you go and see your doctor because you have mental issues.

“When Barry plays well, we play well”

Comedy gold. City play well when at least one of but preferably a combination of Hart, Kompany, Silva, Yaya or Aguero play well.

When Hart plays well he wins us points in games eg Liverpool away, Wigan away.

When Kompany plays well the defence looks impenetrable. He dominates.

When Silva plays well the opposition cant get anywhere near him, he creates chances and scores goals.

When Yaya plays well he runs the show in the middle of the park.

When Aguero plays well he scores goals and gives defenders a torrid time.

Barry NEVER plays well unless some of the above have played well. Barry has not had a decent game since Yaya went away, which is odd considering how highly most of you rate him, no? Why in Yayas absence has this midfield maestro not stepped up to the plate?

“He does all the things you don’t see”


Why is it the work that other top defensive midfielders do is visible for all to see yet good old Gareth does his under an invisibility cloak? Makelele was raved about as DM at Chelsea, he wasn’t invisible. Im not a huge fan of Scott Parker (a player on here most would say was no good) but he was clearly visible on the pitch last night making tackles, blocks etc. The commentators on Sky last night couldn’t get enough of Parker yet the only time Barry is mentioned on Sky is when Neville is quite rightly pointing out that Barry has turned his back on the play…..again!

The only time Barry is visible on the pitch is either when he is playing a simple 5 yard pass, giving the ball away or committing yet another needless, stupid free kick.

Some have pointed to the fact that Barry was December POTM……..Richard Dunne won POTY 4 times.


U r a prick! You are why I very rarely post on here. Thick as the day is long.

Good day
totallywired said:
So dickheads who have called him all week on the forum. how about today. Just shows what numpties watch us, they have to have a pop at someone, Just get behind the team.

Less of the dickheads and numpties.
I posted that he never has a good game against Villa and he has been crap
in his previous two games so maybe he needed a rest.
I am delighted he proved me wrong and had a stormer today.
I was there today cheering them on, getting behind the team.
What I post on here doesnt reflect how I act at the game.
This is a discussion forum where everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Not sure the 3 points would have been returning to the Etihad without him,he played a blinder today which is just as well as Milner had a shocker(easily forgiven though...)
The midfield today was hit and miss in the central areas at times. Yes when we got it out to the creative players it worked out well. Barry , Milner and De Jong didnt have a lot to do in the game we dominated the midfield. To say Barry was back to his best is a joke. Nowhere near his early season form. Villa bottled it today with the team they picked today parked the bus so it was a easy day for our midfield.

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