Barry to Everton?

Albi10 said:
Anyone who did not rate Barry or his contribition to the football club doesnt understand football. Fernandiniho is YET to prove anywhere near an adequete replacement but deserves a chance. Yaya is nowhere near as effectibe sitting as going forward so our defensive shield is now gone not giving the option ising Yaya further forward. And whoever thinks Tiote is/was a better player than Barry ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Disagree ref Fernandhino.

He has already done more in Europe than Barry managed in 4 seasons.

Barry was great for us , but his time was up.

Carlos should have gone the year before freeing up a move for Van Persie.
BringBackSwales said:
daxman said:
Blue Elvis said:
Agree. Like De Jong we will now see how much difference he made to the performance of the team which wasn't always appreciated. A great move for him and Everton and as a model pro for City I wish him all the best. Yes there were times when he had a poor game (like every other footballer) but they were far outweighed by the games he helped us to win. I hope Milner doesn't go the same way because IMO he's another player who is vastly underrated.

Pelle's first big mistake.
The romanticizing of players who have left is getting tiring. If it is not De Jong, it is Tevez, Balo, Toure, and Barry.. What's next? Jo? Barry had a good game for Everton, great! But he wouldn't have done shaite to help us unlock Stoke. Seeing as he was there on multiple occassions when we failed to unlock them. All of a sudden, Barry has become Zidane and Makalele all rolled up into one.

Please folks, stop it. He had a good game against Chelsea. Congratulate him and move on. He will have some good games, and some average games for Everton. Just like he did when he was here. He is a consummate pro.

But all this fantasized view of barry as some new day Tiote is silly. Barry was a fantastic pro, but he wasn't that good of a tackler. He was more of a fouler.

Shocking post - you either rarely watched GB play for us, including last season, or you need to see your doctor about treatment for serious alchoholism
What part was shocking? what did you disagree with. Why don't you point it out, and discuss.
ColinLee said:
daxman said:
Blue Elvis said:
Agree. Like De Jong we will now see how much difference he made to the performance of the team which wasn't always appreciated. A great move for him and Everton and as a model pro for City I wish him all the best. Yes there were times when he had a poor game (like every other footballer) but they were far outweighed by the games he helped us to win. I hope Milner doesn't go the same way because IMO he's another player who is vastly underrated.

Pelle's first big mistake.
The romanticizing of players who have left is getting tiring. If it is not De Jong, it is Tevez, Balo, Toure, and Barry.. What's next? Jo? Barry had a good game for Everton, great! But he wouldn't have done shaite to help us unlock Stoke. Seeing as he was there on multiple occassions when we failed to unlock them. All of a sudden, Barry has become Zidane and Makalele all rolled up into one.

Please folks, stop it. He had a good game against Chelsea. Congratulate him and move on. He will have some good games, and some average games for Everton. Just like he did when he was here. He is a consummate pro.

But all this fantasized view of barry as some new day Tiote is silly. Barry was a fantastic pro, but he wasn't that good of a tackler. He was more of a fouler.
Except for the tackling part (I think he's an excellent tackler) spot on. His yellows were inevitably for taking someone out who he knew he couldn't catch so to save a potential goal he was always willing to take one for the team.
Excellent player but definitely down the pecking order and he wants to go to the World Cup. Shameful that England dropped him in the first place.
I wouldn't have rated Barry in the top 10 defensive midfield tacklers in the league last season: Barry was a very good player. but he wasn't exceptional at being a tackling defensive midfielder. He averaged 2.1 tackles a game and 1.4 interceptions a game last season. The notion that we have no one who can average 2.1 tackles and 1.4 interceptions per game to cover what was lost with Barry's loan, is silly.

25 Central midfielders intercepted more balls than Barry last season. 25 CMs also made more tackles a game than he did. 27 were better than Barry at the combined Tackle+interception stats. And 15 were better at both stats.

Here is a list of some of those who were superior in both categories:
Lucas, Delph, Schneiderlein, Yacob, Sandro, Noble, Ramirez, Tiote, Cabaye, McCarthy, Felliani, Osman, Mulumbu, Carrick, Mikel.

Sure stats don't tell you everything, but it sure points in a distinct direction that suggests Barry was at best, middle of the park as a defensive stalwart.

I mean, fuking Mikel averaged more tackles and and more interceptions than Barry. I mean, I understand, Leiva, Sandro, Tiote. These guys are simply better DMs. I even understand Yacob, Schneiderlein and Mulumbu. While they may not be better DMs, they play on teams that don't dominate possession, thus they have more opportunities to tackle. (On a side note, I do think Yacob and Shneiderlein are better DMs than Barry, but not from the stats). But how do you explain Mikel? A league wide known slacker, who plays for a team that keeps possession almost as much as we do. What that tells me, is that Barry is middle of the park as a DM.
Story in the Fail about how his move has upset car washers at Carrington as he was the only decent tipper.

MCFC ruining the car wash industry since ...
daxman said:
BringBackSwales said:
daxman said:
The romanticizing of players who have left is getting tiring. If it is not De Jong, it is Tevez, Balo, Toure, and Barry.. What's next? Jo? Barry had a good game for Everton, great! But he wouldn't have done shaite to help us unlock Stoke. Seeing as he was there on multiple occassions when we failed to unlock them. All of a sudden, Barry has become Zidane and Makalele all rolled up into one.

Please folks, stop it. He had a good game against Chelsea. Congratulate him and move on. He will have some good games, and some average games for Everton. Just like he did when he was here. He is a consummate pro.

But all this fantasized view of barry as some new day Tiote is silly. Barry was a fantastic pro, but he wasn't that good of a tackler. He was more of a fouler.

Shocking post - you either rarely watched GB play for us, including last season, or you need to see your doctor about treatment for serious alchoholism
What part was shocking? what did you disagree with. Why don't you point it out, and discuss.

You either watch the games live or you do not. If you watch them live you see what GB does - he shields the back four, breaks up play, tracks opposition runners, sets up plays, uses the ball well - a lot of these things you do not see on the telly. In addition he did all these thing consistently well last season and was in our top 5 (probably top 3) consistent performers last season. Add to that he is English, which helps for the quotas, and is a good bloke and good role model, doesn't moan when not picked. He was never a pacey player, but this is no different to when he was a regular member of our title winning squad, and he has not noticeably got any slower since then. I think people got too blinded by his own goal against southampton. Letting neverton have him for the last year of his contract for free, and then subsidising his wages makes little sense to me, and given Jack Rodwell's issues with injuries we are quite light in central mid, as was shown last night we had to play Javi Garcia and were unable to rest both Yaya and Fernandinho - - no offence to Garcia, I will never slag a City player on here, but relatively GB is far more effective than Garcia. Also read what players like David Silva have said about GB's effectiveness and importance for City.

Nothing I can do to change either decision, but what we did with NDJ & GB were really poor decisions, in my opinion
BringBackSwales said:
You either watch the games live or you do not. If you watch them live you see what GB does - he shields the back four, breaks up play, tracks opposition runners, sets up plays, uses the ball well - a lot of these things you do not see on the telly. In addition he did all these thing consistently well last season and was in our top 5 (probably top 3) consistent performers last season. Add to that he is English, which helps for the quotas, and is a good bloke and good role model, doesn't moan when not picked. He was never a pacey player, but this is no different to when he was a regular member of our title winning squad, and he has not noticeably got any slower since then. I think people got too blinded by his own goal against southampton. Letting neverton have him for the last year of his contract for free, and then subsidising his wages makes little sense to me, and given Jack Rodwell's issues with injuries we are quite light in central mid, as was shown last night we had to play Javi Garcia and were unable to rest both Yaya and Fernandinho - - no offence to Garcia, I will never slag a City player on here, but relatively GB is far more effective than Garcia. Also read what players like David Silva have said about GB's effectiveness and importance for City.

Nothing I can do to change either decision, but what we did with NDJ & GB were really poor decisions, in my opinion
1) I don't watch the games live, but you'd be wrong to pressume I don't know what Barry does for City. You can go back 2 years ago and check the threads in which Barry was constantly slated, and check out the those who were pointing out all you've written above and more. You'd find my ahndle quite prominent. Before the Barry lovefest began (a year and a half late I might add) I was one of the 'very very few' pointing out what he was doing on the field. So I know Barry's value. Way better than most, and pointed it out long long before he became a favorite. That said, he was not a squad saver. He was a very good role player who got slated for a problem that really had little to do with him. Back then, 3 years ago, City was not a very cohesive team and many were looking for a scapegoat. De Jong was loved, Yaya was talented, so Barry was the easy target. I was one of the few pointing out his intelligence, movement and passing. I even predicted that De Jong was the player most likely to be benched if City were to improve cohesion and not Barry. Many considered my comments "shocking" then too. And I got a fair bit of insults to boot.

So trust me when I say, i know the value of Barry. But that said, leaving Barry on the team would have been grossly shortsighted.
1) Fernandihno is every bit the player Barry is and more. Might be weaker at some qualities here and there, but overall he is a better tackler, a better pressure defender, and way quicker and more athletic. So for what Pelegrini wanted (a high pressure team) Fernandihno would eventually (and some ar even beginning to believe he already is) be a better fit.
2) If City had kept Barry, this would have guaranteed that Rodwell would see less action this year, and limit his chances of development. Rodwell is now 22. He is not a kid anymore. If he doesn't develop and show what he has now, he is destined for the middle of the league. He has the talent to be one of England's best, but he wouldn't get that chance if Barry is there to take his minutes. It isn't that Barry couldn't contribute, he can. But with Fernandihno becoming 1st choice, it was always better to let Barry go, so Rodwell gets the rotation games as opposed to Barry. This is MP and the management saying, "hey, lets see what this talented kid has, and if he is ready to succeed at this level." If Barry stays, then City has failed to give him that chance. At 22, he is already behind. 22 is when you are supposed to become a star. ROdwell's window is beginning to close. Keeping Barry would have narrowed that greatly.
3) Why not Garcia? This is always the question: And for that, there are 2 answers. 1) Garcia is not half as bad as City fans think he is. He wasn't as good as Barry, but Barry had the luxury of having played 3 more years in the system and countless more in the culture. 2) Garcia is multipositional. Plays CM as well as CD. Granted many City fans think he doesn't play either at all :p But the reasoning is sound. Keep the 1) younger 2) multipositional player, over the older player who predominantly plays one position.
4) Finally, one of the main reasons Barry was let go, was human. He was let go as a sign of respect to a class professional. Rather than sit him on the bench, and have him play solely in league cup games, while they install their current starter (Fernandihno, who they had researched and deemed an important piece) and then give rotating games to their future starter (Rodwell). They did the humane thing. Let Barry go play for a competitive team who needed him.
He simply wasn't going to get the marquee games here. Truth be told, Barry's presence might have made Fernandihno's adaptation slower (as fans would have moaned for his inclusion at the sight of the first mistake - just like they have even in his absence). Barry might have turned sour, and the dressing room might have gotten a little more intense.

Letting him go was best for everyone involved in my opinion. Including Barry's.
I agree with Daxman,I also liked Barry and Ndj but both were limited and Fernandinho is a mile ahead of both.They both moved on at the right time,now stop going on like they were fuckin Makelele !
The number of interceptions that any player makes is meaningless. You can't make so many interceptions if your team has the second highest amount of possession in the league (after Arsenal) and that this posession is built on ball retention.

The only thing that would have any meaning is if he was allocated an area of the pitch that he should be operating in and record the number of successful tackles the player makes and divide it by the amount of time that the ball was in the allocated area when his team didn't have possession.

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