Barton #howsad

LongLang said:
I did politely remind him that theses "fickle Fans" were his bread and butter, who forgave hime time and time again, while he was arrested for his shitty behaviour, and stubbed out cigars in fans eyes, and fought numerous players in training, the most publicised being Dabo.
We forgave the transfer request and the stupid sendings off (think THAT Spurs game in the cup)
Were we fickle then, or was it just after we had finally had enough and shipped the whining little guttersnipe **** off up north?

I would also like to point out that his twitter persona tends to be over reliant on the use of big words and "clever" sayings, but the silly little scouse twat showed the real joey by being a prick "well better" team on footie manager.
What are you joey, 10?

That never got a re-tweet for some reason?

Amended !!
He's right, its not the same Man City he left because now there's no-one assaulting other players or players stubbing a cigar out in another players face.

Its players like him that should be made an example of in football.
Barton has actually wasted his chance and his opportunities in life and it is rather sad.Sure he can boast about how rich football has made him but spiritually he is berefit.

If he would have kept his head and his temper and buckled down he could have been an England regular.He didn't.He came from a tough background and from a family with a history of violence and even murder.He could have been a role model for similar kids from the same backgound.He didn't.He reverted to type,in spite of all the professional help and chances he has been given over the years.

Some people are just born bad and can't change.Joey boy unfortunately is one of life's bad apples,which will eventually wither,rot and die.
Enjoy France you little thug<br /><br />-- Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:52 pm --<br /><br />
atticusfinch1048 said:
Is the scouse thug trying to save us again?

should be with his cousin in prison the scouse scum

looks like somebody is getting bored of snails and frog`s legs in sunny france,mark hughes made him captain at QPR.....laurel and hardy eat your heart out!!

oh by the way joey,hashtag fuck yourself!!

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