Basic manners, keyboard warriors etc

I was involved in that nonsense last night and it was completely out of character for me. Never taken part in anything like that before.

I vowed when I signed up to this forum I'd never row,threaten or swear at another poster. I'd chuckle to myself when it was others doing it and think it was a little pathetic.

Well. last night I was that person and I 'll apologise for my language and general behaviour in that particular thread.

Not sure what got into me but it was unacceptable. And an apology to the MOD that was on at that ungodly hour who most likely had to deal with.

Have a good day Blues.
I was involved in that nonsense last night and it was completely out of character for me. Never taken part in anything like that before.

I vowed when I signed up to this forum I'd never row,threaten or swear at another poster. I'd chuckle to myself when it was others doing it and think it was a little pathetic.

Well. last night I was that person and I 'll apologise for my language and general behaviour in that particular thread.

Not sure what got into me but it was unacceptable. And an apology to the MOD that was on at that ungodly hour who most likely had to deal with.

Have a good day Blues.

which thread was that?
A general rule of thumb is to not post anything which you wouldn't say to someone face to face
Now this can be taken at a myriad of levels as everyone has a different opinion of what is acceptable in that situation

Random use of the F and C word for mostly comedy effect is OK - but only on here
It does funny thıngs to people - making posts the internet. It could always be a combination of passion/preciousness/pissed/problems. Anyone can freak out now and again but I suppose if that's just the way a person is, what can you do? Probably best to point out bullying where necessary, message a mod, or just ignore it. Can be interesting sometimes though, and at others just plain ugly.
Off topic has been pretty shit for awhile imo. Every thread gets derailed by the same posters again and again. You see a topic and think "oh thats interesting" but 2 pages in its the same people trying to be funny and thats not to say some arn't funny, humour is one of this forums best traits but it goes way overboard sometimes, puns in the 1st page of rip threads and the faux increduality of someone disagreeing with them.In the end though its just an internet forum, what does it matter?
The internet creates the "wall mentality" in that two individuals sat opposite each other won't argue but if you built a giant wall defence between the two people they'd start expressing themselves in a different way, either more open and honest and or more aggressive.

Anger is a natural human emotion, in society we are suppressed to control this - but in environments such as Sport we can let it out.
I can be a right angry bastard but if you spoke with me after I've just spent an hour on the heavybag in the gym I'm one chilled out c*nt ;)

Throw in the "wall mentality" and this allows anyone to fight - resorting to childish behaviour merely just reflects their true inner self which they may suppress in places such as Family life and Work....
Researching the statistics of domestic violence highlights how angry Humans are, yet you may not see what's going on behind closed curtains.

On the Internet - you can read into what people truly want to say.

I remember watching a video which recorded what a load of Teenagers (probably your Sons) were shouting/screaming whilst playing online videogames using a microphone...

Their parents listened to these recordings and were shocked at how horrific the language being used was... Yet they did not know that the recordings were of their own children.

"Who has raised these children" was one of the comments made... It was you love!!!!

I have been guilty of being aggressive on here, one member was saying something or another and I offered to meet him as I just couldn't be bothered with the whole keyboard warrior thing... I'd rather just meet up, discuss his heart ache and maybe break his fingers :D (only joking)

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