Basic manners, keyboard warriors etc

I still think we could be a bit more patient with new posters on here. One new lad the other day suggested that a new player we'd bought (must have been Otamendi) take the number 23 squad shirt. He'd looked at our current squad and he then received a mouthful of abuse - he gave it back and perhaps went over the top in his response. One poster then offered to meet him by a gate at the Etihad to give him a good twatting - he was also called a ****. It was all completely unecessary and if you were chatting to another blue in a pub and he'd have made this mistake would you react in the same way?
I had a similar experience on RAWK on the City thread after I mentioned The Sun - everyone got very precious about it and I just thought fuck it I'm off. The fact is were going to have new fans on here - not all of them will have read Gary James' books or done research on City's history. We need to cut them a bit of slack.
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I still think we could be a bit more patient with new posters on here. One new lad the other day suggested that a new player we'd bought (must have been Otamendi) take the number 23 squad shirt. He'd looked at our current squad and he then received a mouthful of abuse - he gave it back and perhaps went over the top in his response. One poster then offered to meet him by a gate at the Etihad to give him a good twatting - he was also called a ****. It was all completely unecessary and if you were chatting to another blue in a pub and he'd have made this mistake would you react in the same way?
I had a similar experience on RAWK on the City thread after I mentioned The Sun - everyone got very precious about it and I just thought fuck it I'm off. The fact is were going to have new fans on here - not all of them will have read Gary James' books or done research on City's history. We need to cut them a bit of slack.

And if they'd researched on the OS they might be wondering why Bony is a first team coach.
I was involved in that nonsense last night and it was completely out of character for me. Never taken part in anything like that before.

I vowed when I signed up to this forum I'd never row,threaten or swear at another poster. I'd chuckle to myself when it was others doing it and think it was a little pathetic.

Well. last night I was that person and I 'll apologise for my language and general behaviour in that particular thread.

Not sure what got into me but it was unacceptable. And an apology to the MOD that was on at that ungodly hour who most likely had to deal with.

Have a good day Blues.
fair do's fella....if i offended I apologise too

lets just move on eh?
This thread is suddenly full of love. It's so sweet. Can we all hold hands and sing Kum Ba Yah now brothers and sisters? xxx

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