Basic manners, keyboard warriors etc

other guy's post started off as bollocks, then became patronising and now he's completely mixed up the idea that this is some sort of "Official Bluemoon Communication" because I happen to be posting on it

Well, maybe there should be one. Throwing your toys out of the pram won't make anything better Damocles
I'm not being rude and certainly not trying to wind you up. In fact me backing away from that was the most polite cause of action because I could spend the next half an hour telling you why your post was complete bollocks from start to finish. That would be rude, ignoring it was me saving everybody the hassle

I'd rather you pick it apart, thanks. At least then you may have the opportunity to educate me as to why I'm mistaken
You see, to me, this reads: its ok to abuse islam because it will be in the heat of the moment. Its not for someone to call previous poster a ****, they should go to the mods.
To be fair, if some Christian nutter went on a train and blew up 30 people in the name of Jesus, I'd imagine there'd be a fair amount of people chastising Christianity as well.

I think criticising any religion should be fine, so long as it's the ideology as opposed to all followers that is the target.
I'm not, I'm trying to point out that this little ditzy here isn't exactly about a frank exchange of opinions in good faith. Mainly because you've sent me 5 PMs already this morning complaining about a warning, and the other guy's post started off as bollocks, then became patronising and now he's completely mixed up the idea that this is some sort of "Official Bluemoon Communication" because I happen to be posting on it

Dude, you're being off-the-scale paranoid. It's as if you're approaching every post expecting it to be an attack, and concocting user's malign intent out of thin air. In as friendly and non-confrontational way as I can possibly convey this: just give it a break for a while. You're not even being rational FFS. As someone who's seen first hand how a delusional paranoid episode manifests itself, please believe me when I say you need a rest.
To be fair, if some Christian nutter went on a train and blew up 30 people in the name of Jesus, I'd imagine there'd be a fair amount of people chastising Christianity as well.

I think criticising any religion should be fine, so long as it's the ideology as opposed to all followers that is the target.

I agree, totally, no issue with that. I think all to often the latter occurs, is all
Dude, you're being off-the-scale paranoid. It's as if you're approaching every post expecting it to be an attack, and concocting user's malign intent out of thin air. In as friendly and non-confrontational way as I can possibly convey this: just give it a break for a while. You're not even being rational FFS. As someone who's seen first hand how a delusional paranoid episode manifests itself, please believe me when I say you need a rest.

I'll say this in a friendly non-confrontational way as possible;

I'm being perfectly rational which as others have pointed out is sort of my thing here. I'm not "expecting it to be an attack", I just think that human nature dictates that a person who has spent all morning whinging at somebody over a warning on an internet forum then isn't exactly on the "perfectly unbiased" side in the afternoon and that is a context that needs to be mentioned.

You're literally arguing about a post on an internet forum and the absolute importance of me saying "can't be arsed reading that, bollocks to it", this after 4 hours arguing over a warning that means nothing to your posting, has no effects on your use of the forum and has absolutely no importance in any way, shape or form. Literally an entry in a database

Rationality and objectivity isn't exactly your strong suit here. Oh, and that last sentence makes you sound like a total ****.
I'd rather you pick it apart, thanks. At least then you may have the opportunity to educate me as to why I'm mistaken

Yeah I'm sure you have a desire for education rather than an argument. That's really why you posted isn't it, education.
I agree, totally, no issue with that. I think all to often the latter occurs, is all
I agree it has done in the past and I've reported it when it has and shall continue to do so.

But Damocles is right, it's not just this forum, the amount of shit I've seen posted on Facebook after such events by what I would have considered normal, middle class, hard working people. Sharing Britain First bollocks and such like. I just use it as an opportunity to prune my friends list now as replying in kind just gets into a huge argument, one of which ended in me being called a camel shagger. Society in general has a new bogey man and those that are hard of thinking have no understanding that IS don't stand for all of Islam. Islam is some foreign thing to them, led by guys cutting people's heads off and/or hooks as hands. Happily that view couldn't be further from the truth and Islamic hospitality is amazing. But without getting further off topic, I'll just repeat, it's easier to report the posts that attack Muslims as a whole than engage, as it's unlikely you'll be able to change a closed mind.
I agree it has done in the past and I've reported it when it has and shall continue to do so.

But Damocles is right, it's not just this forum, the amount of shit I've seen posted on Facebook after such events by what I would have considered normal, middle class, hard working people. Sharing Britain First bollocks and such like. I just use it as an opportunity to prune my friends list now as replying in kind just gets into a huge argument, one of which ended in me being called a camel shagger. Society in general has a new bogey man and those that are hard of thinking have no understanding that IS don't stand for all of Islam. Islam is some foreign thing to them, led by guys cutting people's heads off and/or hooks as hands. Happily that view couldn't be further from the truth and Islamic hospitality is amazing. But without getting further off topic, I'll just repeat, it's easier to report the posts that attack Muslims as a whole than engage, as it's unlikely you'll be able to change a closed mind.

I mean, I agree, people are more vocal about it, but I don't necessarily think that means it should be accepted here. On FB there isn't an active moderating team, true they do have the "report" button, but we do have an active moderating team and I think being able to discuss these topics should be acceptable, its not like we have the same amount of unique subscribers as FB does.

The rest, I agree with, though. Society will always need a bogeyman, it seems

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