Basic People Management Skills

Didsbury Dave

Well-Known Member
1 Feb 2007
Just when I was getting all warm and fluffy about how the team is coming together, I read this:

On Thursday Given was left out of a match in the Europa League although he had thought he would start: “I thought I’d have played but I don’t know what the manager’s thinking because he hasn’t told me,” he said.

I despair, I really do. That is basic and simple people management.

Talk to the fucking players, let them know where they fit in and keep them motivated. If they're not first choice, let them know that if they work they will get a chance.

It's not difficult. If you're too aloof to do it, get one of your staff to do it. There must be someone on our staff who's job it is to liase with the players.

I worry deeply about this message which we've heard time after time now.
It's just Mancini's way. The way he imposes his authority is simply by removing the option for discussion. He makes his decisions, and the players must deal with them and move on.

Whether it proves to be the right way to work only time will tell.
Mancini has also allegedly accused Ade of faking his injury which if true is pretty shocking. I'd be furious if my boss accused me of lying although I have on occaisons told a porky to get a sick day which is ok in my book but if I were to be accused then thats different.
dw7 said:
hhhmmmmmm 2 players that aint getting a look in have a pop at the manager

fuck them they be gone in jan

Never mind "fuck them". What if Hart gets injured this week?

I'm sick of hearing about player unrest at City. Sick of it.

I thought we'd supposedly weeded out the bad apples?

There's one common denonimator here.
Didsbury Dave said:
dw7 said:
hhhmmmmmm 2 players that aint getting a look in have a pop at the manager

fuck them they be gone in jan

Never mind "fuck them". What if Hart gets injured this week?

I'm sick of hearing about player unrest at City. Sick of it.

I thought we'd supposedly weeded out the bad apples?

There's one common denonimator here.

C'mon Dave, you know it only takes one or two perceived bad apples...

Baconface has never explained his decisions to the press, never mind his players, down the years.
Didsbury Dave said:
Just when I was getting all warm and fluffy about how the team is coming together, I read this:

On Thursday Given was left out of a match in the Europa League although he had thought he would start: “I thought I’d have played but I don’t know what the manager’s thinking because he hasn’t told me,” he said.

I despair, I really do. That is basic and simple people management.

Talk to the fucking players, let them know where they fit in and keep them motivated. If they're not first choice, let them know that if they work they will get a chance.

It's not difficult. If you're too aloof to do it, get one of your staff to do it. There must be someone on our staff who's job it is to liase with the players.

I worry deeply about this message which we've heard time after time now.

Springing into action at the first signs of "reported" player discontent being your modus operandi.

FFS give it a rest. Not long ago you were suggesting the club was in meltdown due to dressing room dislike of Mancini. On the pitch however the players are showing a unity that I have not seen from a City team for a long time.

The reported quote by the way means that Mancini hasn't given a reason to Shay for his omission, not that they are not speaking. With the number of alternative lineups and competitions players are going to be surprised when ommitted but that's life.

Did Mancini have to give AJ a reason why he preferred Silva for Wigan? No. Mancini is paid to pick the players end of. It is after all his neck that is on the block.
Didsbury Dave said:
dw7 said:
hhhmmmmmm 2 players that aint getting a look in have a pop at the manager

fuck them they be gone in jan

Never mind "fuck them". What if Hart gets injured this week?

I'm sick of hearing about player unrest at City. Sick of it.

I thought we'd supposedly weeded out the bad apples?

There's one common denonimator here.

Given plays, everyone's happy. Execpt maybe Adebayor.
Didsbury Dave said:
dw7 said:
hhhmmmmmm 2 players that aint getting a look in have a pop at the manager

fuck them they be gone in jan

Never mind "fuck them". What if Hart gets injured this week?

I'm sick of hearing about player unrest at City. Sick of it.

I thought we'd supposedly weeded out the bad apples?

There's one common denonimator here.

If Hart gets injured then Given plays as he's a City player at present. On one hand your report the above in your original post and then last night we were hearing that Mancini has told Given he can leave, if thats the case then surely he's sat Given down and told him? Theres no player unrest at the moment unless you want to believe a couple of articles in the media
Dave, I get the feeling you don't like our Roberto.

One thing got me in the quote though is that if Mancini doesn't communicate with his players, how come Shay got the impression he would be starting on Thursday?

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