Basic People Management Skills

Can it be clarified is this a 'believe the press' story or not?

One minute people on here say ignore the press, the next minute we're told to believe them. Or does it all depend on the agenda of the poster?

The way i look at it is that the Hughes loyalists are going one by one and i don't have a problem with it. To make everyone pull together the dissenters have to be taken out, obviously not literally but you get me drift.
robbieh said:
Did Mancini have to give AJ a reason why he preferred Silva for Wigan? No. Mancini is paid to pick the players end of. It is after all his neck that is on the block.

Good example.

If AJ is playing brilliantly for club and country but is on the bench, someone should surely say "Look, you're doing great. I'm giving you a rest this week because I want to try Silva. But don't worry, keep giving your all, you'll be back in the side soon. It's no reflection on the way you are playing.

That's how you manage people.

You can't just treat them like shit.
Didsbury Dave said:
Just when I was getting all warm and fluffy about how the team is coming together, I read this:

On Thursday Given was left out of a match in the Europa League although he had thought he would start: “I thought I’d have played but I don’t know what the manager’s thinking because he hasn’t told me,” he said.

I despair, I really do. That is basic and simple people management.

Talk to the fucking players, let them know where they fit in and keep them motivated. If they're not first choice, let them know that if they work they will get a chance.

It's not difficult. If you're too aloof to do it, get one of your staff to do it. There must be someone on our staff who's job it is to liase with the players.

I worry deeply about this message which we've heard time after time now.

As a manager for the last 20 years I would inform my employee that if he wasn't sure what I was thinking then instead of talking to the press he should have the courage to come and ask me. It shows a basic lack of initiative that would be unacceptable in a 17 year old trainee never mind a 30 something senior team member.

I also think that everyone except Given knows that Joe had to start after his howler. The fact the Given can't work this out or is pretending not to realise in order to shout his mouth off does himself no favours.
1_barry_conlon said:
Can it be clarified is this a 'believe the press' story or not?

One minute people on here say ignore the press, the next minute we're told to believe them. Or does it all depend on the agenda of the poster?

The way i look at it is that the Hughes loyalists are going one by one and i don't have a problem with it. To make everyone pull together the dissenters have to be taken out, obviously not literally but you get me drift.

It's going to be difficult replacing Tevez, De Jong, Kompany, Barry, and they are the spine of the team. I think you should re-phrase to 'players Mancini doesn't like' that would be more accurate.
You can't slag Given off for this. He's simply answered a question.<br /><br />-- Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:37 am --<br /><br />
bluemoonmatt said:
Dave, I get the feeling you don't like our Roberto.

One thing got me in the quote though is that if Mancini doesn't communicate with his players, how come Shay got the impression he would be starting on Thursday?

I'm desperate for the manager to succeed.

But I worry like mad about his people management skills.
Didsbury Dave said:
dw7 said:
hhhmmmmmm 2 players that aint getting a look in have a pop at the manager

fuck them they be gone in jan

Never mind "fuck them". What if Hart gets injured this week?

I'm sick of hearing about player unrest at City. Sick of it.

I thought we'd supposedly weeded out the bad apples?

There's one common denonimator here.

So your taking the word of an article in the NOTW who's whole agenda is media amplification?
Dave just because the style of Mancinis management is alien to you doesn't make it wrong, he has created a great on field team spirit, the defence since he arrived in Jan is unrecognisable, he has took key players - Kompany, De jong and Tevez and moved them up a level, his transfers in have been superb business and will only benefit the squad, and the fundamental and most important point is he knows what the fuck he's doing.

Given is a strange case to analyse, why wouldn't he be upset? He's been replaced by a 23 year old with nowhere near the experience he has, he was also one of the Pro Hughes camp who made it difficult for mancini in his early tenure, but ultimately and most importantly the right decision by bob was made...... you might not like it but he gets things pretty much spot on more often than not, the fact he doesn't mother players doesn't bother me in the slightest.
BillyShears said:
1_barry_conlon said:
Can it be clarified is this a 'believe the press' story or not?

One minute people on here say ignore the press, the next minute we're told to believe them. Or does it all depend on the agenda of the poster?

The way i look at it is that the Hughes loyalists are going one by one and i don't have a problem with it. To make everyone pull together the dissenters have to be taken out, obviously not literally but you get me drift.

It's going to be difficult replacing Tevez, De Jong, Kompany, Barry, and they are the spine of the team. I think you should re-phrase to 'players Mancini doesn't like' that would be more accurate.

That's correct. And all managers are the same whether they be Mourinho or Allardyce. It's a chemistry thing.
Why would he think he was playing? Hart has started every match. Was it coz Hart made a bit of a rick and he assumed he'd be given a chance?

I doubt RM told him he would be then changed his mind. Someat not right here.
Didsbury Dave said:
robbieh said:
Did Mancini have to give AJ a reason why he preferred Silva for Wigan? No. Mancini is paid to pick the players end of. It is after all his neck that is on the block.

Good example.

If AJ is playing brilliantly for club and country but is on the bench, someone should surely say "Look, you're doing great. I'm giving you a rest this week because I want to try Silva. But don't worry, keep giving your all, you'll be back in the side soon. It's no reflection on the way you are playing.

That's how you manage people.

You can't just treat them like shit.

That's how you manage S1 and S2 types initially until they develope some ability and awareness.

Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory, it's been around since the 70s and almost all large corporations swear by it.
Didsbury Dave said:
I'm desperate for the manager to succeed.

But I worry like mad about his people management skills.

Ok but like I say if Roberto is not communicating with Shay, where did Shay get the impression he would be starting on Thursday. Did he just presume this would be the case after Joe's howler. If he had dropped Joe after one mistake, what message would this have sent out.

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