If you’re happy with the BBC then it’s definitely biased.its only a persons own biased view that they might be biased.
If you’re happy with the BBC then it’s definitely biased.its only a persons own biased view that they might be biased.
Brilliant documentary on fake news shown on the beeb this weekNo I have watched many years of HIGNFY and to me he seems to be a liberal conservative, hence why I put him as soft right.
Never called him a tory, he is more an orange book liberal, and they are still right wing.
And how does he talk nice? His accent isn't posh and is quite neutral and common so their is no region bias to pick up on
why would the Govt do anything to harm the BBC when they have "their" people in the right places - eg Tory Keunessberg? I mean Govt found guilty and losing an appeal and the BBC helpfully gas light the public by leading on a story about Harry and Meghan
I bet you watched BBC News thinking it was a documentary on fake news.Brilliant documentary on fake news shown on the beeb this week
How much?I bet you watched BBC News thinking it was a documentary on fake news.