Be honest were you there?

i was there.....missed goal 4 and still get the mickey taken out of me when its talked about.."ah but you only saw nine goals"
To be honest.....

I wasnt there....It was the only game that season I missed.
Talk about gutted!

I remember talking to my dads friends in the kippax at the next home game and they
were just laughing at us misssing it! Talk about out of the blue!

Oh well, that game always brings a smile to my face....the one that got away!
Damn it! Lol
I was, Huddersfield fans started a congo after number 10 went in, PMSL. Ah the days of Jim Tolmie and Billy McNeil, another false dawn.
Rammyblues said:
I was, Huddersfield fans started a congo after number 10 went in, PMSL. Ah the days of Jim Tolmie and Billy McNeil, another false dawn.
Don't you mean after the days?? Mel Machin was manager and Jim Tolmie had left 1 or 2 years earlier
The Fat el Hombre said:
I was there when we lost to them 1-0 (IIRC) about 10 years later and evryone in Maine Road was singing 'what the fuck is goin on'

Same here. Remember they made about ten passes before scoring!
grubby local said:
panzer1311 said:
I Was There, in the main stand, ive still got my ticket stub as well ( sad or what !!!) block `h,` row `m`, seat 213, £4.50. worth every penny !!!!!

Four-fifty is that what is was???!! Come to think of it I think it was even cheaper for me as under-16? Was that possible??

I was in the Kippax up in the naughty corner. I'm sure we were chanting for ten at half-time!! Will never see the like again. I thought we played even better against Plymouth that following Wednesday night!

Didn't Gillingham do a 10-0 and an 8-0 in consecutive weeks just after, too? Copycats!

I loved that Blue Monday version on Granada reports on the Monday. Got it on a VHS somewhere here.
Malcolm McDonald looked like he'd seen a ghost on the interview after!

Happy days!
yeh, £4.50, and they was the best seats at the time!!! malcolm mcdonald said on tv after( if i remember right) that 5 of the goals was offside ! hilarious!!!!
I was working Saturdays back then...

But I was at the old Leeds Road ground for a Midweek game which finished 2-2 with Steve Kinsey scoring both IIRC... Not sure if it was the same season...?

Off to MCFC STATS to check...

*edit* It wasn't 2-2, it was 3-1 to us with Kinsey, Baker and Lomax scoring on Tues Dec 27th 1983... I'm getting old!

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