Bellamy bust up with Marwood

Craig Bellamy was the subject of our fans disapproval when the club went after him ,with so many people saying he had been trouble where ever he had played both on and off the field.The National Press sell more papers if this behaviour continues and it seems to have surfaced once again.

He should be told The Club backs the manager and if he does not knuckle down to training /playing he will be sold.
There are so many players who would jump at the chance to play for us with so much on offer within the near future.
We're gonna get plenty of these kind of crap stories between now and the end of the season.All the papers especially The Sun and the Mirror are so far up Baconface's arse that they'll make up any old shit to appease the retarded rag muppets that read(I use the term loosely) their so-called "breaking news". I don't bother reading any of them cos they never print anything positive about City,in fact I wouldn't even wipe my arse on them.
Keep the faith.


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