Bellamy on Mancini and Robinho

Expected nothing less from Robinho, he was a world wide superstar. Not surprising he couldn't be bothered against the likes of Portsmouth and wasn't going to stand there and take it from some no mark.

As for the bit about Mancini, did he not also say recently he could have worked with Mancini better than he did and it was because of Hughes being sacked he just basically didn't care?
I always suspected the Mancini/Bellamy bust-up was more Mancini's fault than Bellamy's.

As for Robinho he blatantly didn't give a shit in some games and I'm glad we got rid of Balo for the same reason - not that either are really bad lads.
IanBishopsHaircut said:
One thing for sure..there will be no bullshit in this book

Love him or Loathe him..Bellers has always told it like it is

From his point of view, which doesn't mean he's automatically right. I loved him when he was here, he always gave 100% but he comes across as a bit of a twat.
A little bit of 'pot and kettle' where Bellamy and Elano are concerned.

Elano was brilliant for us under Sven but his face didn't fit under Hughes and he found himself isolated. Of all the players we've sold in recent years, he was the one I most regretted seeing leave. Imagine his passing ability alongside some of the players that have arrived since.

Bellamy was the flavour of the month when Hughes was around but didn't see eye to eye with Mancini. Under Hughes, he gave us some great days. When Hughes left, he re-discovered his talent for starting an argument in an empty room and got shipped out to avoid the disruption.

Robinho - one of the biggest talents and one of the smallest hearts ever seen in a City shirt.
I'll be tempted to make a purchase of his book, it will be an interesting read.

Good player, bit of a twat really.
HIs bit about mancini would back up some of the rumours flying about what he was like behind the scenes. I don't think Bellamy is one to talk complete shit either. Mancini obviously has good attributes but man management seems like it was certainly not one of them. It seems that he expects standards that noone can fall under even if it is not possible for people to keep to them. An example being Bellamy's injuries.
You do whatever Mancini say's Bellamy. If Mancini tells you to run you run. Fuck your schedule you whiny dragon. We have showed you respect as a professional performing at the highest level under Mancini! Cashing in on the mighty City and the Roberto Mancini persona. You get paid to run couldn't run so you never won honor's with Manchester City highlight of your career scoring 2 at the swamp.
Like Tevez, Bellamy gave 100% effort whether he played shit or great.

This is an insight into whats been happening behind the scenes for a number of years, and I can now see why Mancini has left.

Already on the Christmas list, it will be in paper back by then as well.

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