Benefit Claimants Forced To Contribute To Their Council Tax

stonerblue said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
stonerblue said:
Funny one this. My mrs claims the bare minimum after being forced out of work due to illness. If the government continue to chip away at her £100pw then she's gonna be forced into claiming everything she's fully entitled to. That'd be HB, CTB, CA, not to mention all the little things like benefits they hide away.
This would raise her payments significantly, costing the govt a hell of a lot more than the it does now.

How comes she doesn't claim it now mate?

Lots of reasons really, the main one being she can manage on what she gets now. She's a proud and independent type and the process of claiming is so demeaning.

Demeaning is exactly how it is,mate...good word.
I understand why some people are kicking off, but there are also thousands of people out there who work hard day in day out and can barely pay bills, especially the ever increasing council tax bill, but no one ever talks about them, they don't get any help!
Churchill123 said:
I understand why some people are kicking off, but there are also thousands of people out there who work hard day in day out and can barely pay bills, especially the ever increasing council tax bill, but no one ever talks about them, they don't get any help!

Biggest farce of them all the council tax bill. They have cut services to the bone and are set to increase it - for all of us . I know I`ll be complaining to the council and may re- band my house, next door sucessfully did it last year .
The biggest problem is house prices don't match the fall in wages. I keep hearing the government talking up the fact employment rates are good concidering the economy. What they dont mention is there are jobs out there but people are replacing reasonably well paid jobs with baddly paid jobs. It was announced hoe great it was that McDONALD'S were recruiting 2000 jobs just days after Honda went down to a 2 day week in Swindon.
We're due another poll tax riot anyway. The government need to be held more accountable for wasted money. I heard on Question Time the other night the last government wasted £39billion on defence spending. Actual wasted funds as in purchasing aircraft carriers that planes couldn't land on. How many of those MP's had a personal interest in the defence companies that benefitted. It seems to me the only solution they can come up with is to take a little from a lot leading to further poverty and unrest. Revolution is inevitable as the masses become more educated. Social media allows for more widespread communication than the government can now cope with.
Churchill123 said:
I understand why some people are kicking off, but there are also thousands of people out there who work hard day in day out and can barely pay bills, especially the ever increasing council tax bill, but no one ever talks about them, they don't get any help!

These people will also have to pay more ct. Probably meaning that they would be better off out of work completely. More false economy.
tidyman said:
CTID1988 said:
There was a woman on the new complaing about this, clearly just a lazy get who couldnt be arsed to work, saying she would struggle to feed her many younglings... then, without a hint of irony, it shows young Daz & Kezza sat on the couch each playing with an ipad.

Is there a way lazy bastards can be targetted without it effecting people who genuinely need benefits?

What a co-incidence that was and proves without any doubt everyone claiming benefits are scrounging scum.

I think they should bring a law in, prohibiting children of people claiming benefits from recieving Birthday or Christmas presents.

Did i say that? No.
But if you are struggling to the point where you cant feed your kids, why not just settle for the 1 ipad eh?
Hamann Pineapple said:
We're due another poll tax riot anyway. The government need to be held more accountable for wasted money. I heard on Question Time the other night the last government wasted £39billion on defence spending. Actual wasted funds as in purchasing aircraft carriers that planes couldn't land on. How many of those MP's had a personal interest in the defence companies that benefitted. It seems to me the only solution they can come up with is to take a little from a lot leading to further poverty and unrest. Revolution is inevitable as the masses become more educated. Social media allows for more widespread communication than the government can now cope with.
Actually they purchased the wrong plane and originated back to the F35B due to a problem with the hook gear on the C version, the carrier is fine the plane was wrong
cockneycarparkm32 said:
Churchill123 said:
I understand why some people are kicking off, but there are also thousands of people out there who work hard day in day out and can barely pay bills, especially the ever increasing council tax bill, but no one ever talks about them, they don't get any help!

Biggest farce of them all the council tax bill. They have cut services to the bone and are set to increase it - for all of us . I know I`ll be complaining to the council and may re- band my house, next door sucessfully did it last year .

Council here in Brighton are a bunch of cnts, we have the highest parking and fine charges outside london,the government have told councils that if they want to up council tax by 2% then they have to put it local referendum.
So what did Brighton council do.??

Cnts raised it by 1.99%..
i dont know who i hate more.

fraudulent benefits claimants.

wealthy who avoid tax.

or government that spends our money giving welfare and medical services to any foreign national that lands on these shores regardless of whether they`ve paid into our system.

or people that believe everything they read in the rag tops.

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