Benefit Claimants Forced To Contribute To Their Council Tax

TGR said:
orange_wkd said:
tidyman said:
What a co-incidence that was and proves without any doubt everyone claiming benefits are scrounging scum.

I think they should bring a law in, prohibiting children of people claiming benefits from recieving Birthday or Christmas presents.

It's not very often I bite on here, but some people really need to think before they write absolute rubbish on here. I claim benefits, as I am a carer for my mum, who has MS and also my son who is autistic. I was working full time when I had my son, but due to his health, I had to put my life and education on hold. Just as he was settling in life and able to go to a childminder, so that I could go back to work and uni my mum's MS got worse and I had to care for her. I would love to get back to work, but the cost of getting someone in to care for my mum would be so expensive. So do not think that every person is the same who claims benefits as some of us are struggling so much, I'm on my arse with the rise of daily living. Paying extra for council tax every month is another cost that I just can't afford. But small minded people like you will probably think that I should work, and care for two people. My life is bloody hard. I have Alopicia ( and no I don't get benefits for having no hair) which is caused by the stress I have had over the past 8 years. Rant over!!!!

No body except the people who run Manchester City Council believe you should be paying extra. The benefit has been reduced by the government on the council. It is the decision of the council to pass the increase onto you.
However, it's worth bearing in mind that Manchester City council do and will make a substantial contribution to 'Manchester Pride' which is and I quote:
'a celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender life.'
Whilst I have absolutely no problem with this and diversity is the spice of life I do have to ask myself if people like you should be the ones forced to fund it?
Maybe worth bearing in mind at the next local council elections.

I think you may be contradicting yourself a bit here. If you have no problems with diversity why would you have a problem with Manchester Council providing funds towards Gay Pride.

Can I also add that the event is not just for the gay's you know. It is open to everybody and anybody and the amount of money invested in Gay pride comes back in the from the amount of extra business it creates. I'm no advocate for the Gay Pride but I can see the business opportunites for the council in this one.
orange_wkd said:
tidyman said:
CTID1988 said:
There was a woman on the new complaing about this, clearly just a lazy get who couldnt be arsed to work, saying she would struggle to feed her many younglings... then, without a hint of irony, it shows young Daz & Kezza sat on the couch each playing with an ipad.

Is there a way lazy bastards can be targetted without it effecting people who genuinely need benefits?

What a co-incidence that was and proves without any doubt everyone claiming benefits are scrounging scum.

I think they should bring a law in, prohibiting children of people claiming benefits from recieving Birthday or Christmas presents.

It's not very often I bite on here, but some people really need to think before they write absolute rubbish on here. I claim benefits, as I am a carer for my mum, who has MS and also my son who is autistic. I was working full time when I had my son, but due to his health, I had to put my life and education on hold. Just as he was settling in life and able to go to a childminder, so that I could go back to work and uni my mum's MS got worse and I had to care for her. I would love to get back to work, but the cost of getting someone in to care for my mum would be so expensive. So do not think that every person is the same who claims benefits as some of us are struggling so much, I'm on my arse with the rise of daily living. Paying extra for council tax every month is another cost that I just can't afford. But small minded people like you will probably think that I should work, and care for two people. My life is bloody hard. I have Alopicia ( and no I don't get benefits for having no hair) which is caused by the stress I have had over the past 8 years. Rant over!!!!

I wasnt slagging people in your situation off, simply the people who scam the system effectively taking money out of your hands
orange_wkd said:
tidyman said:
CTID1988 said:
There was a woman on the new complaing about this, clearly just a lazy get who couldnt be arsed to work, saying she would struggle to feed her many younglings... then, without a hint of irony, it shows young Daz & Kezza sat on the couch each playing with an ipad.

Is there a way lazy bastards can be targetted without it effecting people who genuinely need benefits?

What a co-incidence that was and proves without any doubt everyone claiming benefits are scrounging scum.

I think they should bring a law in, prohibiting children of people claiming benefits from recieving Birthday or Christmas presents.

It's not very often I bite on here, but some people really need to think before they write absolute rubbish on here. I claim benefits, as I am a carer for my mum, who has MS and also my son who is autistic. I was working full time when I had my son, but due to his health, I had to put my life and education on hold. Just as he was settling in life and able to go to a childminder, so that I could go back to work and uni my mum's MS got worse and I had to care for her. I would love to get back to work, but the cost of getting someone in to care for my mum would be so expensive. So do not think that every person is the same who claims benefits as some of us are struggling so much, I'm on my arse with the rise of daily living. Paying extra for council tax every month is another cost that I just can't afford. But small minded people like you will probably think that I should work, and care for two people. My life is bloody hard. I have Alopicia ( and no I don't get benefits for having no hair) which is caused by the stress I have had over the past 8 years. Rant over!!!!

It must be really hard for you pal I sympothise with your situation. Its sad that gutter press like the Fail and Express refuse to acknowledge real stories like this, they much prefer that tired old Osborne/Tory rhetric of the skiver sat on there arses all day watching sky tv on there giant plasma. Then only nipping out to the offy to pick up some tabs and booze and credit for the leccy and gas.
Mike D said:
TGR said:
orange_wkd said:
It's not very often I bite on here, but some people really need to think before they write absolute rubbish on here. I claim benefits, as I am a carer for my mum, who has MS and also my son who is autistic. I was working full time when I had my son, but due to his health, I had to put my life and education on hold. Just as he was settling in life and able to go to a childminder, so that I could go back to work and uni my mum's MS got worse and I had to care for her. I would love to get back to work, but the cost of getting someone in to care for my mum would be so expensive. So do not think that every person is the same who claims benefits as some of us are struggling so much, I'm on my arse with the rise of daily living. Paying extra for council tax every month is another cost that I just can't afford. But small minded people like you will probably think that I should work, and care for two people. My life is bloody hard. I have Alopicia ( and no I don't get benefits for having no hair) which is caused by the stress I have had over the past 8 years. Rant over!!!!

No body except the people who run Manchester City Council believe you should be paying extra. The benefit has been reduced by the government on the council. It is the decision of the council to pass the increase onto you.
However, it's worth bearing in mind that Manchester City council do and will make a substantial contribution to 'Manchester Pride' which is and I quote:
'a celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender life.'
Whilst I have absolutely no problem with this and diversity is the spice of life I do have to ask myself if people like you should be the ones forced to fund it?
Maybe worth bearing in mind at the next local council elections.

I think you may be contradicting yourself a bit here. If you have no problems with diversity why would you have a problem with Manchester Council providing funds towards Gay Pride.

Can I also add that the event is not just for the gay's you know. It is open to everybody and anybody and the amount of money invested in Gay pride comes back in the from the amount of extra business it creates. I'm no advocate for the Gay Pride but I can see the business opportunites for the council in this one.

I was just quoting one example of many where the council frtter away the money of the tax payer - and yes in my opinion 'Manchester Pride' (it is no longer called 'Gay Pride' as this is gender specific and hence none PC) is frittering away our money on non essential services. In these hard economic times decisions and priorities need to be taken in the cold light of day as to what is more important to the people of Manchester. And for the record my newspaper of choice is the Guardian - not the Daily Mail. But lets be clear here: The decision to pass on the cost of the council tax payment to those receiving benefits is 100% that of the council - no one else.
TGR said:
Mike D said:
TGR said:
No body except the people who run Manchester City Council believe you should be paying extra. The benefit has been reduced by the government on the council. It is the decision of the council to pass the increase onto you.
However, it's worth bearing in mind that Manchester City council do and will make a substantial contribution to 'Manchester Pride' which is and I quote:
'a celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender life.'
Whilst I have absolutely no problem with this and diversity is the spice of life I do have to ask myself if people like you should be the ones forced to fund it?
Maybe worth bearing in mind at the next local council elections.

I think you may be contradicting yourself a bit here. If you have no problems with diversity why would you have a problem with Manchester Council providing funds towards Gay Pride.

Can I also add that the event is not just for the gay's you know. It is open to everybody and anybody and the amount of money invested in Gay pride comes back in the from the amount of extra business it creates. I'm no advocate for the Gay Pride but I can see the business opportunites for the council in this one.

I was just quoting one example of many where the council frtter away the money of the tax payer - and yes in my opinion 'Manchester Pride' (it is no longer called 'Gay Pride' as this is gender specific and hence none PC) is frittering away our money on non essential services. In these hard economic times decisions and priorities need to be taken in the cold light of day as to what is more important to the people of Manchester. And for the record my newspaper of choice is the Guardian - not the Daily Mail. But lets be clear here: The decision to pass on the cost of the council tax payment to those receiving benefits is 100% that of the council - no one else.

Like I said without seeing the figures there must be some significant financial benefits for the council. How can you be frittering something a way if it brings in so much business. to test my theory out try and book your self a room in Manchester for that weekend. I took the Mrs to the Hilton on our 2nd aniversary (she was pregnant on our first).

I can tell you were only lucky to get cancellation when I'd being trying for 6 months to get in. You can bet you bottom dollar that every hotel in Manchester is exactly the same.
Mike D said:
TGR said:
Mike D said:
I think you may be contradicting yourself a bit here. If you have no problems with diversity why would you have a problem with Manchester Council providing funds towards Gay Pride.

Can I also add that the event is not just for the gay's you know. It is open to everybody and anybody and the amount of money invested in Gay pride comes back in the from the amount of extra business it creates. I'm no advocate for the Gay Pride but I can see the business opportunites for the council in this one.

I was just quoting one example of many where the council frtter away the money of the tax payer - and yes in my opinion 'Manchester Pride' (it is no longer called 'Gay Pride' as this is gender specific and hence none PC) is frittering away our money on non essential services. In these hard economic times decisions and priorities need to be taken in the cold light of day as to what is more important to the people of Manchester. And for the record my newspaper of choice is the Guardian - not the Daily Mail. But lets be clear here: The decision to pass on the cost of the council tax payment to those receiving benefits is 100% that of the council - no one else.

Like I said without seeing the figures there must be some significant financial benefits for the council. How can you be frittering something a way if it brings in so much business. to test my theory out try and book your self a room in Manchester for that weekend. I took the Mrs to the Hilton on our 2nd aniversary (she was pregnant on our first).

I can tell you were only lucky to get cancellation when I'd being trying for 6 months to get in. You can bet you bottom dollar that every hotel in Manchester is exactly the same.

A good point and well made.
However, it is hardly an 'essential service' is it?
Leisure, communal, recreation - yes.
Genuinely essential? Never.
TGR said:
'Manchester Pride' (it is no longer called 'Gay Pride' as this is gender specific and hence none PC).

How is gay pride gender specific?
Can we just fucking hurry up and blame the unemployed and disabled for the holocaust and 9/11 and then we can all move on?

It's no wonder the likes of Savile went unchecked, the pleb on the street was too busy blaming all the worlds ills on a bloke in a wheelchair, a kid on a drip and a man who's just been sacked.
tidyman said:
TGR said:
'Manchester Pride' (it is no longer called 'Gay Pride' as this is gender specific and hence none PC).

How is gay pride gender specific?

Due to the fact that many lesbians prefer the gender-specific term ‘lesbian’ to ‘gay,’ which, they argue, obscures the presence of women by subsuming them under a label whose primary reference is to men.

Here endeth the lesson.
TGR said:
Mike D said:
TGR said:
I was just quoting one example of many where the council frtter away the money of the tax payer - and yes in my opinion 'Manchester Pride' (it is no longer called 'Gay Pride' as this is gender specific and hence none PC) is frittering away our money on non essential services. In these hard economic times decisions and priorities need to be taken in the cold light of day as to what is more important to the people of Manchester. And for the record my newspaper of choice is the Guardian - not the Daily Mail. But lets be clear here: The decision to pass on the cost of the council tax payment to those receiving benefits is 100% that of the council - no one else.

Like I said without seeing the figures there must be some significant financial benefits for the council. How can you be frittering something a way if it brings in so much business. to test my theory out try and book your self a room in Manchester for that weekend. I took the Mrs to the Hilton on our 2nd aniversary (she was pregnant on our first).

I can tell you were only lucky to get cancellation when I'd being trying for 6 months to get in. You can bet you bottom dollar that every hotel in Manchester is exactly the same.

A good point and well made.
However, it is hardly an 'essential service' is it?
Leisure, communal, recreation - yes.
Genuinely essential? Never.

It may not be essential but its a no brainer if it brings in more income than it costs to fund it.

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