Benefit Claimants Forced To Contribute To Their Council Tax

TGR said:
This government have just gone too far now!
They are expecting benefit claimants who get 100% of their Council Tax paid free to contribute between £100 & £200 per year from now on.

Do they not realise or will they never realise that people have to pay for fags, booze, scratch cards, dope and other essentials out of their state sponsored handouts?!

Enough is enough!

You're dead right because of course everyone one on benefits just like the tory's say, scrounging, fag smoking, piss cans, watching there sky tv all at our expense. That little England that you live in now needs these lot sorting.

Those horror stories you hear of carers having to make ends meet on what little benefits to care for there terminally ill partner, but they get might enjoy the odd drink but don't smoke. Who are being punished by the nasty party rhetric of making the poor pay. They don't reall y exist and programs like radio 5, just use actors to make them all up.

Funny one this. My mrs claims the bare minimum after being forced out of work due to illness. If the government continue to chip away at her £100pw then she's gonna be forced into claiming everything she's fully entitled to. That'd be HB, CTB, CA, not to mention all the little things like benefits they hide away.
This would raise her payments significantly, costing the govt a hell of a lot more than the it does now.
There was a woman on the new complaing about this, clearly just a lazy get who couldnt be arsed to work, saying she would struggle to feed her many younglings... then, without a hint of irony, it shows young Daz & Kezza sat on the couch each playing with an ipad.

Is there a way lazy bastards can be targetted without it effecting people who genuinely need benefits?
brass neck said:
I would love to know if anyone who spurts out the daily mail tripe about booze fags tellys and ipads actually knows how much benifit is for people who don't fiddle the disability or who are not moonlighting or selling drugs. Cos believe me, as someone who has had to use the system in the past, it is not a great deal of money. Most proud working people who find themselves out of work and are to honest to take the piss, have to scrape by on very little handout. The rent is rarely coverd by HB so that shortfall comes from the JSA and now they want people to pay council tax!? The mess this country is in is NOT the the fault of the average unemployed woman or man and the tories and their right wing media pals are disgraceful for suggesting it subtly and not so subtly.on occasions. Don't believe the hype.

I won't go into my personal health issues on here as most wouldn't give a shit but due to a serious back problem I've not been able to work for over 3 years.In that time I've had 3 claims for disability turned down for reasons such as 'I can walk up 2 steps unaided','i can speak and hear' and my favourite 'I don't need help to adjust my bedcovers at night'.
I'm not allowed to claim JSA due to the fact I've not worked for so long I've fallen behind on my NI contributions.There have been so many threads on BM that have been benefits related and they always end up in a tirade of abuse levelled at anyone either on or trying to claim benegfits.I currently live on one of the poorer estates in Preston and have first-hand experience an a daily basis of how the system is being screwed,and whilst I consider myself truly blessed in that I get 'parts' of my rent and Council Tax paid each week the govt announces a new venture that will inevitably make my life harder...the 'Bedroom Tax' being another.The irony for me is that if I ever manage to have a successful claim the highest amount I can expect is around £53pw...I can assure you that won't cover the costs of what I've had to spend over the last 3 yrs and what i'm likely going to have to spend in the bed,a sofa/chair that'll help my automatic car as my left leg no longer readily responds to messages sent from the brain.

So I agree with Brass Neck's post and would just like to ask my fellow BMers to take into consideration that we aren't all Jeremy Kyle worshippers,that we do want to get better and get back to work and not have to rely on anything from any govt (I had to laugh around a year ago when my pain-management consultant suggested I do smoke dope to help with the pain....I honestly wish I could afford to).
stonerblue said:
Funny one this. My mrs claims the bare minimum after being forced out of work due to illness. If the government continue to chip away at her £100pw then she's gonna be forced into claiming everything she's fully entitled to. That'd be HB, CTB, CA, not to mention all the little things like benefits they hide away.
This would raise her payments significantly, costing the govt a hell of a lot more than the it does now.

How comes she doesn't claim it now mate?
CTID1988 said:
There was a woman on the new complaing about this, clearly just a lazy get who couldnt be arsed to work, saying she would struggle to feed her many younglings... then, without a hint of irony, it shows young Daz & Kezza sat on the couch each playing with an ipad.

Is there a way lazy bastards can be targetted without it effecting people who genuinely need benefits?

What a co-incidence that was and proves without any doubt everyone claiming benefits are scrounging scum.

I think they should bring a law in, prohibiting children of people claiming benefits from recieving Birthday or Christmas presents.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
stonerblue said:
Funny one this. My mrs claims the bare minimum after being forced out of work due to illness. If the government continue to chip away at her £100pw then she's gonna be forced into claiming everything she's fully entitled to. That'd be HB, CTB, CA, not to mention all the little things like benefits they hide away.
This would raise her payments significantly, costing the govt a hell of a lot more than the it does now.

How comes she doesn't claim it now mate?

Lots of reasons really, the main one being she can manage on what she gets now. She's a proud and independent type and the process of claiming is so demeaning.

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