Benjamin Mendy leaves City | Launches “multi-million-pound” claim against club over unpaid wages (p118)

Seems a bit victim Blamey, not that I disagree. People need to take responsibility.
I'm glad he's gone. But I'm annoyed that someone's whole career can be screwed up like that by other people quite legally and encouraged.
He was found not guilty so what victims are you talking about? He also has to take responsibility for screwing up his own career by partying and shagging instead of doing everything he could to stay in peak condition, and also by putting himself in a situation where unscrupulous people could take advantage of him.

You can read on how rape trials go.
Seems a bit victim Blamey, not that I disagree. People need to take responsibility.
I'm glad he's gone. But I'm annoyed that someone's whole career can be screwed up like that by other people quite legally and encouraged.
Only 1% of reported rapes end up with a conviction. Plenty more are never reported.

Unless you believe that 99%+ of women reporting rapes are making it up, then it's clear that a "not guilty" verdict doesn't automatically make the accused a victim.

Unless you sat in on the trial, and heard all the evidence, you're not in a position to make a judgement on this case. We'll have heard the most salacious details from the prosecution and from the defence. Two skewed and heavily abbreviated versions of events - and that's not enough to make a judgement.
The way I look at it is that, although he’s not a rapist, he is a bit of a ****. If he was living that lifestyle and the women involved were happy to be treated like shit then that’s up to them, but he was being paid a weekly six figure salary partly from our pockets. As such it was incumbent on him to do what was necessary to get himself fit as quickly as possible after each injury. It’s difficult to imagine that having regular parties and shagging multiple women on a daily basis would contribute positively to him recovering from his injuries. At best it wasn’t helping and at worst it would extend his recovery times. If he was performing well on the pitch whilst living this lifestyle I wouldn’t give a shit, but he wasn’t so to me he was clearly taking the piss. We’re well rid.
Pretty much Spot on, that. People will point to Grealish being absolutely wasted in the aftermath of the CL final and, though we try to downplay it ("good old Jack, he's one of the lads"), it wasn't a great look,for me anyway. Big difference between him and Mendy is that, on the whole, Jack had an excellent second season with us. For that reason, and the fact that it was our last game in a mentally draining season, he's allowed a bit of slack. He's earned it, Mendy never really did re his on field performances. He was a blast on social media, mind. Oh, how we guffawed at the whole "shark team" guff back then.

You can read on how rape trials go.
That's not the whole picture.

Rape convictions in court have gone up, but it's thought that's because the number going to court have gone down. While it's got a higher conviction rate once in court, rape is MUCH less likely to go to court.

Would you want him dating your sister or daughter?
No, but there again from the little I have seen it doesn't look like Mendy (or the girls involved) were interested in dating. To be honest, I'd be more disappointed with my daughters if they were getting involved those kind of situations. Hopefully they know better.
He was found not guilty so what victims are you talking about? He also has to take responsibility for screwing up his own career by partying and shagging instead of doing everything he could to stay in peak condition, and also by putting himself in a situation where unscrupulous people could take advantage of him.
I'm taking about him being a victim?
Thx for repeating what I said too. He's only himself to blame.
Exactly. Because we both know the bloke’s a bit of a ****. That’s why I have little sympathy for him.
I have little sympathy with any of the involved parties. I still wish them all the best in their futures though and hopefully they've all learned a lesson from this. Obviously I'm making the assumption that the not guilty verdict indicates any sex was consensual.

You can read on how rape trials go.

This is largely because of how few actually go to trial isn’t it. It’s such a difficult crime to prove unless there’s some really significant evidence, so most of the time it’s either a slam dunk or never gets to trial.

I would imagine Mendy’s case is a bit of an anomaly because (1) his celebrity/fame/status and also the number of accusations probably pressured CPS to bring a marginal case.

(2) Most defendants wouldn’t have the quality of legal defence Mendy has.

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