In case you needed any more reminding of what a shitbag Harry Redknapp is, just watch and listen to this:
Bear in mind that he's talking here about a guy who was building a decent career at Portsmouth, who was settled (probably with his family, too) and was happy. The way Redknapp talks about it, it's as if he's completely forgotten (or just doesn't care) that this was a man's career and livelihood he was fucking about with. And you can't help but watch this and think that Redknapp must have got a cut out of it to have been so keen and delighted to throw one of his players out like that. If memory serves (which it clearly doesn't for Arry), Benjani was one of the league's top scorers at the time we signed him, on about 12 goals, so was serving Portsmouth pretty well.
The look on Hoddle's face says it all.