Bert on Bert

the thing in 530 was a kid who decided to reveal his Rag top on the concourse after the game. Saw another lad outside the Holiday Inn waving a flag in the faces of departing blues and got a smack for it in front of at least 20 cops.

Common denominator is that all involved must be incredibly stupid.
I don't know if it's because the cunts that behave like this know they will never see the people around them again but Wembley is totally different from the Etihad. They'd get filled in at our place but feel free to act like twats there. Wasn't there today but I've attended every other final since (& including) 1969 but it's become less of a must be there thing for me.
Was walking back to Wembley Central and a young Red fan no more than 12 was singing ‘you’re not singing anymore’ and a Blue in his mid 50’s at least, told him shut the f*ck up you Munich b*stard. The mind boggles sometimes

I heard that little **** almost all the way back and he just wouldn't shut up. I have no idea why he wasn't still in the ground celebrating. My guess is he hadn't been in at all but was just a local kid on the wind up. I didn't see him but I sure could hear him. I'm amazed a kid his own age didn't lamp him, he fully deserved it.
The incident on 548 was because a group of fans refused to sit down, there was an old couple who must of been in their 80s couldn’t see the match and had to watch it on the big screen, I know people like to stand and cheer on the team but sometimes people are so selfish
Yeah, saw that. The two younger lads giving it out were being dicks tbh.
Always a strange day the cup final, seen more fall outs between blues on cup final day than all the other matches I have attended put together.

I think it proves that for a lot of folk ale and football is not a great combination.

It's a long day and a lot are still half cut from the night before. Luckily for me everyone I've encountered today have been great, stewards, City fans everyone.
As always little tantrums in the 5th level

not sure what was happening 545 but one fella seemed to be offering a full row out.

Another place I was told someone sparked up a fag and got threatened with a smack

and of cpurse the red bastards who was escorted out of 546 by blues

more entertaining than the game at times
So, you saw nothing.

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