Bert Trautmann - R.I.P

Never really was the type to get upset over people dying who I didn't know on a personal level, but when I saw the picture of Bert at the top of this page my heart sank.

There's not much to say that hasn't already been said. A truly incredible man who will be sorely missed. Best wishes to Bert's family.
Alty Red said:
Just came to pay my respects to one of the greats. I never saw Bert play but my dad, uncle, and granddad used to go to Old Trafford one week and Maine Road the next. That's how it was in the 50s. My dad always said that Bert Trautmann was the greatest goalie he'd ever seen; maybe the equal of Frank Swift, a man he hero-worshipped.

I met Bert once long after he'd retired at the Manchester Evening News offices on Deansgate. He signed an autograph that I took home to my old man and, as red as he was, it took pride of place in his collection of football memorabilia alongside signed pictures of Frank Swift and Duncan Edwards.

It's a times like this was we ought to forget the rivalry and remember a great player who did more in his life than most can aspire to. RIP.

thanks for that and welcome to the board.
Was lucky enough as a kid to be taken to his testimonial match an unforgettable night,a goalkeeping & city legend
R.I.P very sad day for City. Hope the club pay tribute in a way that befits this true great and true gentleman.
I can honestly say Mr Trautman was the only footballer/ex footballer/man I have ever been in awe of when I was fortunate enough to meet him and his lovely wife.
I remember coming out of the ground at Villareal and there he was larger than life just mingling with the fans. He got mobbed! Surreal
another from the 1956 FA Cup Final passed away.Strange how the last 4 still living till 2010 were numbered 1 to 4.Ken Barnes was No.4 and died 3 years ago.Bert has just gone,and only Bill Leivers and Roy Little left,numbers 2 and 3.Saw him play at half time in Alan Oakes testimonial about 1972 I think,Bert let a goal in,I said to Dad,'I thought you said he was good'! He was in his late 40's having said that.RIP Big Man.
I saw Bert play a lot. When I heard it anounced on the BBC TV One o'clock News, I am not ashamed to say my eyes were full of tears.
I feel as if I have lost a close friend, if not a relative.

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