Best answering of the door ever!

TheMightyQuinn said:
LongsightM13 said:
Hang on a minute. I went to Uni 20 years ago, played first XI footy and never had cheerleaders. Are you in the states, Quinny, or do you live across the road from a knocking shop?

Wales and rugby I suppose. I'd not thought about it but I imagine it's that.

Stato said:
yeah it keeps suggesting me and TMQ's girlfriend become friends, i think facebook is trying to tell us some thing.
your gf is obviously right for me, i will have her and you can have this cheerleader girl. deal?

She'd wear you down until you the same shell of a man that I am...

wearing pjs and having baths. Fuck that stato stay well clear.
A few weeks a go I spotted a load of god bothers getting out of the car then knocking on the doors. They were all suited up brief case in one hand bible in the other. Door bell goes just the boxers and t-shirt on. The first thing that comes out of there gob "Do you believe in god" My reply "Not at half fucking nine on a Sunday morning" closly followed by a slam off the door. Think they got the message
I have a solution for the picture dilema: next time she comes by, ask for her name. I´m sure someone in here will b able 2 track her down on FB.. Or if u dont want 2 ask, just go throu her mail box!
TheMightyQuinn said:
Blue Punter said:
You should have invited her through to the kitchen to get a light off the toaster/oven.

Once there, ask her if she wants to help with the washing up.

If she agrees, it's nailed on she likes yer.

I'd rather she didn't like me to be honest, I have a girl friend and don't need the hassle.

Besides which, she could be in love with me and willing to do anything to please me but even then I doubt she'd want to touch the washing up in this place!

i wanted to read this through and at the end just write... "you shud have dragged her in and nailed her when it was offered on a plate", but now after reading this quote i can safely say "dont worry about your mrs finding out, this girl obviously knows you have a girlfriend seen as she lives across the road from you, so go and knock back on her door tonight and say "sorry love, i was miles away the other day when you came asking for a light, when thinking back and after discussing this with my friends on bluemoon i am now on the wave length i should have been on when you first knocked on.... now wheres that cheerleaders outfit so we can start again" no one will ever find out!

(well we wana see pictures but i wont tell your mrs)
Lol at you lot, I've never witnessed a bigger group of pervs!

In the cold light of day I think she only called round to get a light, I was perhaps the nearest logical choice although we'll never really know I suppose.

The only reason I posted this was due to her wearing a cheerleader uniform as it gave the whole scenario a sort of weird 1970s porn vibe, had she been wearing normal clothes I'd not have posted anything. After all, I'm used to seeing her sat in her pj's late at night having a cig lol

You are all perverts though and have corrupted my mind.
you still had it laid on a plate and you didnt see it... come on every home had some way of lighting a fag, im sure she has a toaster!! but she chose to dress up and walk accross the street to ask you
Diego1983 said:
you still had it laid on a plate and you didnt see it... come on every home had some way of lighting a fag, im sure she has a toaster!! but she chose to dress up and walk accross the street to ask you

You're right about every home having a light of some sort but she was probably dressed up with it being Wednesday which is when all the teams play so I can't read too much into that.

I'll see her again sooner rather than later anyway. I might just slip her a piece of paper with the url for this thread on and see what happens, I'll either get sexually abused by her or wake up with the police at the door!
TheMightyQuinn said:
Diego1983 said:
you still had it laid on a plate and you didnt see it... come on every home had some way of lighting a fag, im sure she has a toaster!! but she chose to dress up and walk accross the street to ask you

You're right about every home having a light of some sort but she was probably dressed up with it being Wednesday which is when all the teams play so I can't read too much into that.

I'll see her again sooner rather than later anyway. I might just slip her a piece of paper with the url for this thread on and see what happens, I'll either get sexually abused by her or wake up with the police at the door!

you could give her my number and i wont miss the HINT lol

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