Best era for football clobber

When mother threw father's clothes out of our upstairs bedroom window it was widely acknowledged his wallet would follow suit. He earned excellent coin as a groundsman building the M62 and all interspersed with regular jollie boys outings in his new Ford Anglia. But good living and the realization of being the first on our street to watch Bonanza in colour were to be to be a thing of the past. Not arsed about his Ford Anglia as it was a bit unstable like mother, but losing the ability to watch a cowboys horse trot around in various shades of brown whist set among a verdant green backdrop was a shock to a young boys system that would take an age to recover from. Anyway I digress because as the years followed we obviously became more Walton-esque in our general makeup, save for them blue dungarees, so a line in the sand had to be drawn! Und So the nearest I got as a kid to football clobber was for a birthday treat as I was whisked up to Stewards on Drake street to acquire a Wrangler jacket. Not saying the outfitter chap was dodgy as he is not here to defend himself, but why measure a lads inside leg for a denim coat.

And that was me, Football Factory togged to fook in my Wrangler jacket, penny round shirt and beloved dock matin cast offs from our kid. The cnunt tried to sell them to me so I reported him to mother but she just told me to stop whining and man the fook up, but I was only ten : / If your looking in our kid then your still a cnunt of a cnunts ****, but he won't be looking in as he fooked off up north to Aberdeen-shire and so wish I had of shat in his tea when I had chance.

I think they had it right back in the day when everyone wore suits, shirts and ties to the game topped of with flat caps of all descriptors. It made everyone appear to be on a level playing field much like the school uniforms of today. The era of shirts and ties has now sadly gone and all we are left with is the likes of Nicks, Adidas, Sergio Tacchini Cerutti 1881 Lacoste Lyle and Kappa. Will you be a sheepie ...or will you set out your own stamp on the game. They say it's not the size of the man in the fight but the size of the fight in the man that matters.

It's the same to be said for FOC's so mind your p's and q's when On Topic as the Pringles (its a luxury jumper) have it!

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Washing line nicking. Remember jumping over a wall and being met with a very angry alsation. Another time I nicked a pair of jeans off a line in the dark and put them on. Went into a nearby shop and realised they were pink
Washing line nicking was rife in the 80s, you didn't hang anything out overnight that you would nick yourself, if you did it was gone the next morning
I liked 81/ 82/83 best

Fila Ellesse Lacoste Tacchini Pringle Burberry etc


I used to enjoy going to the match in a pink jumper and pink jeans.

One night me mam washed them, woke up the next morning and some thieving gypsy bastards had nicked them from our washing line......

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