Best mobile phone at the moment?

Depends what you need it for.
Obviously, if you've had iPhones before, and don't want to fork out all over again for apps, just upgrade, if you want the best camera, Sony are the leaders in sensor technology now, so they have the best camera, the Xperia range gets updated every 6 months,and the phones are splashproof ( so will survive being dropped in the loo!) I almost went for the Xperia, but android didn't have the apps I wanted, so stuck with iPhone
( for the record, I drive a bicycle, and laugh at you BMW and Audi drivers and all the other lemmings ( yes I can generalise too! And yes I can drive!!!) stuck in traffic, as I cycle past on the way to work....
HTC for me (got an M9). I had an iPhone a few years back, and the HTC is just so much easier to personalise (themes, icons etc etc). Not to mention being able to drag and drop music and video onto the phone without having to mess about with iTunes, synching etc etc. Also, iPhones are ridiculously overpriced; €900 for the 6s, compared to €700 for the HTC M9 (still too much money to pay for a phone; got mine second hand from a site for €300).
I've had all sorts of 'phones. I gave up on Apple last year and gave my 6 Plus to my wife, who loves it...whatever. I have a Galaxy Edge 6 Plus and it is far and away the best handset I've had. I'd highly recommend it. It seems to just work all the time and connects seamlessly with, erm, my BMW.
How to win friends and influence people. What a fucking stupid post - I am not a rag, don't drive an audi or bmw and can rely on my intelligence to make informed decisions regarding a mobile phone. Iphones look better, work better (than samsungs) and are far less susceptible to viruses than android. I'm on my 4th, a 6 plus, and I have never had a solitary issue with any of them. I can only assume your mum refused to buy you one?

This ^

I had an android phone but got iphone last time my contract ran out, its a lot easier to use than android I find (possible moron?) and its so smooth in operation, love SIRI when Im driving, very easy to send texts etc without touching the phone

Price of phone is irrelevant as I get it on contract

Brilliant :)

Galaxy Note 4 by the way. Lovely phone.
I had an iPhone which was good. Then I got an HTC One X, which felt like a real upgrade. I liked Android, so next time I got a Samsung Galaxy S5. All the reviews went on about its high specs, so I thought it would be like an even better version of the HTC One X. It isn't. It has so many annoying things about it. It doesn't even do the basics. For example, if you want to rotate a photo from portrait to landscape orientation, you literally have to wait 30 seconds. Typing is a pain. It puts in random words and doesn't predict in a sensible way, so you have to keep going back and fixing its punctuation mistakes. It's just really slow at doing everything. You don't get any of that shit with HTC.

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