best video game of all time?

BimboBob said:
So many good games...

Half Life 2, Battlefield 1942, Deus Ex, Doom, Duke Nukem, The Championship Manager / Football Manager series, Portal, Track Mania...

But i'm going old school and hitting the adventure trail...

Sam and Max Hit the Road.

Battlefield 1942 got me into online gaming for the first time, I remember starting off on F&T's server with a few mates and ending up with our own server. Add to 1942 the free mod packs like DC and EOD made by the communities and the game was immense and quite possible the best game ever. Used to have a couple of guys in our group who could mod and had some epic times, made our own maps, race tracks, dump truck jumping, Harrier jumpjet surfing, good times. Oh Basrah's Edge how I miss you!

Probably spent about 6-7 years playing that and fuck knows how much money in donations and server rental fee's.



never played final fantasy but ive heard good things! do you have to play the first few to play the new ones? whats it like?
onelove said:
never played final fantasy but ive heard good things! do you have to play the first few to play the new ones? whats it like?

No mate they have different story lines and characters if ur gunna play 1 Final Fantasy 7 is way beyond the best i've ever played :) I downloaded in on PSN last year for £7.99 and still play it. The game is massive and will keep u going for weeks :)
ammyspears said:
The best video game ever from my side is God Of War
Best of best game.

God Of War is a great game.
I'll played all three parts of this game & waiting for the fourth part.

You will wait, somehow i got the feeling you didnt played 3rd it at all, because everyone who did was sure there is no part 4 anymore. However, now (few days ago) rumors are upcoming nd its basicly saying its sure now, sep. 2012

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