Biggest Diva Behaviour


Well-Known Member
19 Oct 2010
“Just the right amount of northern”
Following Yaya's perfectly understandable reaction to being disrespected in such a disgusting way by the Sheikh, it got me thinking about actual incidents I have been aware of in the course of my life, where someone has reacted to something in a way that is both tragic and comical in equal measure, in terms of the complete lack of self-awareness involved.

I once heard about a guy in Nottingham, who considered himself to be a bit of a gangsta, who was turned away from my mate's nightclub one Saturday by the doorman. He was so incensed at this slight that he rang my mate on the Monday and demanded that he close the nightclub the following weekend "as a mark of respect".

Oh how we laughed.

Anyone else got stories of people too wrapped up in their own self-importance?
We have our very own Emo Diva, but I'm not sure if he's currently with us, or on a permaflounce.
Asking the mods to ban you for good, then begging to be allowed back takes the Bluemoon crown for me.
I flounced out of Piccolino's once when I saw Paul Scholes dining there, but surely that was warranted.

EDIT - It worries me that we think so alike BWTAC mate - probably not quite as much as it worries you.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
We have our very own Emo Diva, but I'm not sure if he's currently with us, or on a permaflounce.
Asking the mods to ban you for good, then begging to be allowed back takes the Bluemoon crown for me.
I flounced out of Piccolino's once when I saw Paul Scholes dining there, but surely that was warranted.
I thought he was 'reborn'?
Got to be method man at the Apollo

He refused to go on stage until he was smoked off by a particular barmaid, he pulled the biggest strop and was entirely serious throughout, a certain somebody stepped in and offered a handjob as substitute, needless to say I'm no longer with this particular lady.... True story!!!
that suarez is a complete diva - he should have got a second yellow against us that's for sure.

Oh and that Ronaldo, he's a total diva. Always rolling round all over the place...
I reckon it was this guy that posted he hated being patronised by cunts ;-)

Emobob's still here Fetters
I remember Axel Rose being an hour late on stage for a 2 hour set in Dublin because he didn't get given the right sparkling water backstage and then fucking off half an hour early because he didn't think people were chanting his name enough, nutty ****.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Following Yaya's perfectly understandable reaction to being disrespected in such a disgusting way by the Sheikh, it got me thinking about actual incidents I have been aware of in the course of my life, where someone has reacted to something in a way that is both tragic and comical in equal measure, in terms of the complete lack of self-awareness involved.

I once heard about a guy in Nottingham, who considered himself to be a bit of a gangsta, who was turned away from my mate's nightclub one Saturday by the doorman. He was so incensed at this slight that he rang my mate on the Monday and demanded that he close the nightclub the following weekend "as a mark of respect".

Oh how we laughed.

Anyone else got stories of people too wrapped up in their own self-importance?

Fuckin' Fat Phil Dowd. He once got hold of a whistle, inveigled himself onto a PL football pitch and made a right mammary gland of himself! He then went on to repeat the incident, despite being told he was the most incompetent person ever to blow wind out of his arse and down a whistle at the same time! He also had the annoying habit of suckin' instead of blowing when a sky blu pro was chopped in the area!

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