Biggest Diva Behaviour

Jeff Winter thought the Kop were cheering for him at the final whistle as it was his last game refereeing
Blue Hefner said:
Jeff Winter thought the Kop were cheering for him at the final whistle as it was his last game refereeing
They were cheering because he was gonski.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
mcmanus said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Wasn't it Val Kilmer who insisted that any extras on set weren't allowed to look him directly in the eye?

What a fucking dick.
You say that, but I'm seriously considering adopting this policy at the next Bluemoon piss up.

Just on general principle I'd gawp at the twat. For hours.
Someone on another thread mentioned a City fan in a B&B in Bournemouth who got refused an extra sausage with his breakfast.

Got the hump, so picked up the tropical fish tank, marched through reception and emptied the contents down the nearest grid.

Apparently his mates said "He's not a morning person..."
ste1969 said:

At the time i watched this, i was with my ex bro in law, when the prick got butted we both collectively jumped out of our armchairs and cheered as if our teams had just scored a goal, fukin epic and well deserved to the little prik.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
waterloo blue said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I went out with his ex-wife for a while when she was a teenager - that was a fucking close call for her.
She didn't take kindly to discovering I had taken her best mate behind the sight screen at Romiley cricket club for something other than catching practice.
And then she flounced off and met him, and the rest is tragedy.
Jo anne Whalley; it's a small world indeed she knocked back my amorous advances at a party after the Cyprus Tavern.

It's smaller than you think mate - we used to go in Legends which, as I'm sure you know, was virtually opposite.
To think she gave up being stuck with an alcoholic compulsive gambler to seek fame and fortune in Hollywood.
She must be gutted.

Did she used to work in Oasis, upstairs at the underground market?

I remember spending hours in that shop, closely studying all the clothes. While by complete chance, some darling with pink hair happened to be working.

When The Singing Detective came on TV my mate reckoned it was her but I've no idea if it was.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Wasn't it Val Kilmer who insisted that any extras on set weren't allowed to look him directly in the eye?

I went out with his ex-wife for a while when she was a teenager - that was a fucking close call for her.
She didn't take kindly to discovering I had taken her best mate behind the sight screen at Romiley cricket club for something other than catching practice.
And then she flounced off and met him, and the rest is tragedy.

This wasn't 1981 was it?

I played a representative game in 1981, which I am sure was at Romiley, and when I was fielding I noticed that the opposition opening bowler took this girl behind the sightscreen.

I am not sure what they got up to but 20 mins later she wasn't walking straight and he failed to bowl his allotted spell of overs.

He was tall, skinny and had long curly, dark hair.

Oh, and he was butt ugly too.
BimboBob said:
Christian Bale versus the lighting guy springs to mind.


I can totally understand it. The Director of Photography had had numerous complaints over the course of the movie about distracting actors by walking around during the scene and pissing about with the lighting. You have to remember that actors have to deliver their lines with 100 people watching them, often out of story order and knowing that this is fake and just a movie but have to do it with total conviction and realism. Many of them try to bring some reality to their delivery by sort of getting into a zone or the emotional centre of the scene so to speak.

Bale was filming the Terminator:Salvation film where he had a big angry scene to perform and had to get himself into that mindset. Then, after being told numerous times, the DP still fucked about and distracted everybody off set which throws them off their game. Bale sort of let all of that pent up rage he was going to direct into his performances out on the DP which is why he was absolutely adamant that he didn't want to go off and calm down but wanted to get the scene done.

To his credit, Bale was well known to be a really easy guy to work with and many actors jumped to his defence saying how out of character it was. When this tape surfaced he immediately went onto the radio and fully apologised without excuse. This guy isn't some guy born into Hollywood and Divaing around, he's a generally quite down to Earth British lad who sort of put his character into that rant.

I don't condone what he did but I do understand it.

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