Biggest Israeli Land Grab For 30 years

Ric said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
worsleyweb said:
That's why I haven't posted on these threads. The two mods referred to are so blind to how they dictate the arguments that they cant see it. Why cant other less impartial mods police these threads?

A very good question, and one I asked Ric this morning.
I understand just why it is difficult for Jewish moderators to maintain impartiality and even-handedness regarding what must be a difficult topic, but if that impacts upon the ability to moderate fairly, and without bias, then clearly the thread would be better off moderated by somebody else.
Several posters have been banned of late, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess that they were all critical of the Israeli government, yet not one supporter of Israel gets so much as a warning.
This isn't mod-bashing - I actually think it would benefit both sides if moderators who have a personal emotional commitment to Judaism or Israel just gave these threads a wide berth, then there can be no accusations of bias or prejudice any more.
Whether it will happen is a whole other thing.

That's simply not true; posters on both sides of the argument have been banned. It's not helpful to peddle untruths and fan the flames even more.

We've spoken in the mod forum about not getting involved in moderating contentious threads that you are heavily involved in, as it often leads to people questioning your impartiality rightly or wrongly, and agreed that it's best avoided.

Moderators are still posters, however, and are as entitled as anyone else to air their views in these threads.

Oh yes - Barker copped a week - I remember now.
That really does redress the balance.
My suggestion that Jewish moderators don't post on Israel-related threads was meant to be an idea that would improve this situation for both sides, but clearly that isn't going to happen, so we may as well abandon any pretence of objectivity on these threads in future, as there won't be any.
At least now we all know exactly where we stand.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Ric said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
A very good question, and one I asked Ric this morning.
I understand just why it is difficult for Jewish moderators to maintain impartiality and even-handedness regarding what must be a difficult topic, but if that impacts upon the ability to moderate fairly, and without bias, then clearly the thread would be better off moderated by somebody else.
Several posters have been banned of late, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess that they were all critical of the Israeli government, yet not one supporter of Israel gets so much as a warning.
This isn't mod-bashing - I actually think it would benefit both sides if moderators who have a personal emotional commitment to Judaism or Israel just gave these threads a wide berth, then there can be no accusations of bias or prejudice any more.
Whether it will happen is a whole other thing.

That's simply not true; posters on both sides of the argument have been banned. It's not helpful to peddle untruths and fan the flames even more.

We've spoken in the mod forum about not getting involved in moderating contentious threads that you are heavily involved in, as it often leads to people questioning your impartiality rightly or wrongly, and agreed that it's best avoided.

Moderators are still posters, however, and are as entitled as anyone else to air their views in these threads.

Oh yes - Barker copped a week - I remember now.
That really does redress the balance.
My suggestion that Jewish moderators don't post on Israel-related threads was meant to be an idea that would improve this situation for both sides, but clearly that isn't going to happen, so we may as well abandon any pretence of objectivity on these threads in future, as there won't be any.
At least now we all know exactly where we stand.

SteWadda said:
Does anyone know why the jihadist are all going to Syria/Iraq and not Israel ? Instead of this daft war on the west and western ideas why don't they go and fight for something which they will actually get support from most of the world on. And help their fellow Muslims who actually need it.
Usually because jihadists are complete **** little Shiites.
Skashion said:
SteWadda said:
Does anyone know why the jihadist are all going to Syria/Iraq and not Israel ? Instead of this daft war on the west and western ideas why don't they go and fight for something which they will actually get support from most of the world on. And help their fellow Muslims who actually need it.
Usually because jihadists are complete c**t little Shiites.

I don't know enough about this.
Obviously there is a joke in there but is that the reason, different branches of Islam?
SteWadda said:
Skashion said:
SteWadda said:
Does anyone know why the jihadist are all going to Syria/Iraq and not Israel ? Instead of this daft war on the west and western ideas why don't they go and fight for something which they will actually get support from most of the world on. And help their fellow Muslims who actually need it.
Usually because jihadists are complete c**t little Shiites.

I don't know enough about this.
Obviously there is a joke in there but is that the reason, different branches of Islam?
The I. S. militants are Sunni muslims, the Palestinians are Shia muslims. I.S. would probably be just as happy to kill the Palestinians as the Israelis.
Skashion said:
urmston said:
Just saying that if you cause people in authority a lot of trouble then they are going to keep an eye on you and treat you increasingly harshly and with an increasing lack of trust.

That's what the police do. That's what employers do. That's what teachers do.

And that's what Israel does with its neighbours.

Best not to misbehave in the first place.
You say this because you are an unflinching racist. You believe Israel has the right to occupy, steal land from others and deny them self-determination. You're a classic example of what I've been talking about.

You're a classic example of someone who thinks accusations of racism are a sophisticated and clever debating technique.

Some of us just make our point and wait for replies.

Now those 1.5 square miles are part of Israel I'm sure the area will be freer and more prosperous, somewhere for people of all creeds and races to live a life however they choose, to practice whatever religion they choose, to express their sexuality however they choose and to vote how they choose.

Surely that's something for everyone to be pleased about.
urmston said:
You're a classic example of someone who thinks accusations of racism are a sophisticated and clever debating technique.

Some of us just make our point and wait for replies.

Now those 1.5 square miles are part of Israel I'm sure the area will be freer and more prosperous, somewhere for people of all creeds and races to live a life however they choose, to practice whatever religion they choose, to express their sexuality however they choose and to vote how they choose.

Surely that's something for everyone to be pleased about.
As others have pointed out, you're probably not even kidding yourself.

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