Biggest Israeli Land Grab For 30 years

The cookie monster said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
urmston said:
I'm not too worried by Israel's decision to annex 1.5 square miles of land.

No, you wouldn't do, because you don't fucking live there, so it won't be your families house that gets bulldozed, and the land that they have farmed for generations stolen.
But fortunately some of us can empathise with those who do.
I said it earlier in the thread why the fuck are they untouchable & do as they please.
See the conspiracy thread, mate.
No6 said:
In another act of brutality and provocation, the Israeli Navy this morning opened fire on Gazan fishermen, sailing WITHIN the 6 mile nautical limit imposed as part of the blockade.

Please, if anyone out there has any justification for this, I'd love to hear it, or is it yet another example of an occupier using extreme violence to remind an oppressed population who's boss?

Ever since Israel was founded its neighbours have been less than friendly and on several occasions downright belligerent - though thankfully to an incompetent degree.

These neighbours set the tone for the relationship and continue to do so, and it is entirely natural for Israel to respond in a robust, responsible and caring manner which reflects its perfectly justifiable and rational lack of trust it has in the surrounding population.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
No6 said:
So folks, what is the Israeli "defence" excuse/justification for this:


IOF destroying Arrahma Dairy Factory in Hebron this morning. Violation of Geneva Convention & War Crime (in respect of the fact that they are an occupying power)

This shit happens on literally a daily basis.

That is utterly fucking scandalous.
I presume Mark Regev will pop up shortly to tell us they were manufacturing yoghurts of mass destruction.
It's a fucking disgrace just what the IDF and their hired hands are getting away with.
Ethnic cleansing/genocide/lebensraum - call it what you like.

Personally I call it a holocaust.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Ric said:
No6 said:
Oh right, glad you've cleared that up. I'll just fuck off then shall I? Sorry Ducado, I don't want to offend, but you're talking shite now. I've been more than reasonable in all my posts on this subject. Last time I checked, this was an internet forum for people to debate any and all matters that they wish. A debate, by definition, is the act of engagement in discussion between parties with differing viewpoints with the aim of coming to a more rounded and objective conclusion.

If this isn't what Bluemoon is about, please send me the memo containing the prescribed and mod-authorised opinions that I should be communicating.

Debating with people involved in the thread is one thing, goading people who haven't posted in it is quite another.


That's why I haven't posted on these threads. The two mods referred to are so blind to how they dictate the arguments that they cant see it. Why cant other less impartial mods police these threads?
worsleyweb said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Ric said:
Debating with people involved in the thread is one thing, goading people who haven't posted in it is quite another.


That's why I haven't posted on these threads. The two mods referred to are so blind to how they dictate the arguments that they cant see it. Why cant other less impartial mods police these threads?

why was Nijinsky's post deleted!!! Point proven????
urmston said:
No6 said:
In another act of brutality and provocation, the Israeli Navy this morning opened fire on Gazan fishermen, sailing WITHIN the 6 mile nautical limit imposed as part of the blockade.

Please, if anyone out there has any justification for this, I'd love to hear it, or is it yet another example of an occupier using extreme violence to remind an oppressed population who's boss?

Ever since Israel was founded its neighbours have been less than friendly and on several occasions downright belligerent - though thankfully to an incompetent degree.

These neighbours set the tone for the relationship and continue to do so, and it is entirely natural for Israel to respond in a robust, responsible and caring manner which reflects its perfectly justifiable and rational lack of trust it has in the surrounding population.
What fucking planet are you from?,what apart from shit stirring are you trying to do on here?,Palestinian children have been killed and you ascertain that the IDF have killed them in a caring manner.
Palestinian people have had their homes, livelihoods,families destroyed and it's alright, as it was done with best intentions.
urmston said:
No6 said:
In another act of brutality and provocation, the Israeli Navy this morning opened fire on Gazan fishermen, sailing WITHIN the 6 mile nautical limit imposed as part of the blockade.

Please, if anyone out there has any justification for this, I'd love to hear it, or is it yet another example of an occupier using extreme violence to remind an oppressed population who's boss?

Ever since Israel was founded it has committed war crimes, human rights abuses and murder against every nearby nation and tenfold upon the occupied Palestinian states of Gaza and the West Bank.

This has set the tone for the unhealthy relationship with it's neighbours and tge widespread contempt and disgust it inspires among the wider international community and will continue to do so, for as long as Israel and it's apologist believe that shooting innocent civilians and children is responding to it's current status as nation non grata in a robust, responsible and caring manner. It is these atrocities which are reflected in the perfectly justifiable and rational lack of trust it has from the surrounding populations.

Edited for Verity.
waterloo blue said:
urmston said:
No6 said:
In another act of brutality and provocation, the Israeli Navy this morning opened fire on Gazan fishermen, sailing WITHIN the 6 mile nautical limit imposed as part of the blockade.

Please, if anyone out there has any justification for this, I'd love to hear it, or is it yet another example of an occupier using extreme violence to remind an oppressed population who's boss?

Ever since Israel was founded its neighbours have been less than friendly and on several occasions downright belligerent - though thankfully to an incompetent degree.

These neighbours set the tone for the relationship and continue to do so, and it is entirely natural for Israel to respond in a robust, responsible and caring manner which reflects its perfectly justifiable and rational lack of trust it has in the surrounding population.
What fucking planet are you from?,what apart from shit stirring are you trying to do on here?,Palestinian children have been killed and you ascertain that the IDF have killed them in a caring manner.
Palestinian people have had their homes, livelihoods,families destroyed and it's alright, as it was done with best intentions.

Just saying that if you cause people in authority a lot of trouble then they are going to keep an eye on you and treat you increasingly harshly and with an increasing lack of trust.

That's what the police do. That's what employers do. That's what teachers do.

And that's what Israel does with its neighbours.

Best not to misbehave in the first place.
worsleyweb said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Ric said:
Debating with people involved in the thread is one thing, goading people who haven't posted in it is quite another.


That's why I haven't posted on these threads. The two mods referred to are so blind to how they dictate the arguments that they cant see it. Why cant other less impartial mods police these threads?

A very good question, and one I asked Ric this morning.
I understand just why it is difficult for Jewish moderators to maintain impartiality and even-handedness regarding what must be a difficult topic, but if that impacts upon the ability to moderate fairly, and without bias, then clearly the thread would be better off moderated by somebody else.
Several posters have been banned of late, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess that they were all critical of the Israeli government, yet not one supporter of Israel gets so much as a warning.
This isn't mod-bashing - I actually think it would benefit both sides if moderators who have a personal emotional commitment to Judaism or Israel just gave these threads a wide berth, then there can be no accusations of bias or prejudice any more.
Whether it will happen is a whole other thing.
worsleyweb said:
worsleyweb said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:

That's why I haven't posted on these threads. The two mods referred to are so blind to how they dictate the arguments that they cant see it. Why cant other less impartial mods police these threads?

why was Nijinsky's post deleted!!! Point proven????

I suspect NF's post was edited by himself, as nothing is showing in the moderator logs. If a mod had deleted the post, you wouldnt see it. If the post had been edited by a Mod then it would show as edited and also in moderator logs.

As to why he didnt simply delete his post rather than edit, i cant answer that and you would have to ask NF

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