Biggest Israeli Land Grab For 30 years

Taximania said:
No6 said:
Ducado said:
Debate on here won't change people’s minds, it rarely does some people can't even agree on the relative merits of one manager or the other or even is it a muffin or a barm and you think that you can change people’s minds over something as emotive as the Middle East? However that’s not saying you should not debate, just don’t be under any illusions that it will get you anywhere or it will change peoples minds

Oh right, glad you've cleared that up. I'll just fuck off then shall I? Sorry Ducado, I don't want to offend, but you're talking shite now. I've been more than reasonable in all my posts on this subject. Last time I checked, this was an internet forum for people to debate any and all matters that they wish. A debate, by definition, is the act of engagement in discussion between parties with differing viewpoints with the aim of coming to a more rounded and objective conclusion.

If this isn't what Bluemoon is about, please send me the memo containing the prescribed and mod-authorised opinions that I should be communicating.

The highlighted is what I wanted to say but didn't have the vocabulary to achieve.
That is what a debate should be No6 but that is not representative of what happens on here.
Chalk and cheese .

Chow for now and logging off !

The description of a debate is accurate but Ducado's point is that on subjects like this, or Mrs Thatcher, etc., etc. never end up with a conclusion because the views of the two sides are so entrenched that they just end up shouting (metaphorically)
Another article from Haaretz, this time highlighting prejudicial killings by the IOF in the West Bank and the subsequent absence of any investigation or reprimand of the soldiers involved.

Although not entirely concerned with the latest land-grab (and therefore apologies if you feel I'm straying off topic), it highlights the narrative from a Palestinian point of view, a narrative that is all to often absent in Western reporting. These are not isolated incidents. Nor are they something that is "new". the IOF has been perpetrating such atrocities against people for whom it has a duty of care (under established international law) for decades.

"Khalil Anati was from the Al-Fawar refugee camp in the southern part of the West Bank; a soldier in an armored jeep shot him in the back with a live round and killed him as he was running home. He was 10 years old. "

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Still, I suppose that as long as he was shot in the back in a "caring" manner, as per Urmston's assertion, its ok.
urmston said:
Just saying that if you cause people in authority a lot of trouble then they are going to keep an eye on you and treat you increasingly harshly and with an increasing lack of trust.

That's what the police do. That's what employers do. That's what teachers do.

And that's what Israel does with its neighbours.

Best not to misbehave in the first place.
You say this because you are an unflinching racist. You believe Israel has the right to occupy, steal land from others and deny them self-determination. You're a classic example of what I've been talking about.
BigOscar said:
Is he a parody account or are these his genuine opinions? Terrifying.
He's not that rare sadly, sadly there are a lot of people who believe the problem with slavery is that the slaves won't behave themselves. If only the slaves behaved themselves, everything would be ok...
urmston said:
waterloo blue said:
urmston said:
Ever since Israel was founded its neighbours have been less than friendly and on several occasions downright belligerent - though thankfully to an incompetent degree.

These neighbours set the tone for the relationship and continue to do so, and it is entirely natural for Israel to respond in a robust, responsible and caring manner which reflects its perfectly justifiable and rational lack of trust it has in the surrounding population.
What fucking planet are you from?,what apart from shit stirring are you trying to do on here?,Palestinian children have been killed and you ascertain that the IDF have killed them in a caring manner.
Palestinian people have had their homes, livelihoods,families destroyed and it's alright, as it was done with best intentions.

Just saying that if you cause people in authority a lot of trouble then they are going to keep an eye on you and treat you increasingly harshly and with an increasing lack of trust.

That's what the police do. That's what employers do. That's what teachers do.

And that's what Israel does with its neighbours.

Best not to misbehave in the first place.

I've never had my house bombed, or members of my family murdered by police, employers or teachers and I've misbehaved in the past.

Gaza must be like one big naughty step to you?
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
worsleyweb said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:

That's why I haven't posted on these threads. The two mods referred to are so blind to how they dictate the arguments that they cant see it. Why cant other less impartial mods police these threads?

A very good question, and one I asked Ric this morning.
I understand just why it is difficult for Jewish moderators to maintain impartiality and even-handedness regarding what must be a difficult topic, but if that impacts upon the ability to moderate fairly, and without bias, then clearly the thread would be better off moderated by somebody else.
Several posters have been banned of late, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess that they were all critical of the Israeli government, yet not one supporter of Israel gets so much as a warning.
This isn't mod-bashing - I actually think it would benefit both sides if moderators who have a personal emotional commitment to Judaism or Israel just gave these threads a wide berth, then there can be no accusations of bias or prejudice any more.
Whether it will happen is a whole other thing.

That's simply not true; posters on both sides of the argument have been banned. It's not helpful to peddle untruths and fan the flames even more.

We've spoken in the mod forum about not getting involved in moderating contentious threads that you are heavily involved in, as it often leads to people questioning your impartiality rightly or wrongly, and agreed that it's best avoided.

Moderators are still posters, however, and are as entitled as anyone else to air their views in these threads.
BigOscar said:
Is he a parody account or are these his genuine opinions? Terrifying.

I think he's just a serial wum - we get his 'input' every so often, and it's invariably varying shades of ill-conceived rhetoric.
But as he's on the 'right' side, he always escapes unscathed, as seems to be increasingly the case on here nowadays.
You can say pretty much what you want, just so long as it's what certain folk want to hear.
It's an odd type of democracy really.
Does anyone know why the jihadist are all going to Syria/Iraq and not Israel ? Instead of this daft war on the west and western ideas why don't they go and fight for something which they will actually get support from most of the world on. And help their fellow Muslims who actually need it.

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